Page 45 of Rock Chick

I gave it one last shot.

“My face hurts.”

I felt his tongue right behind my ear before he said, “I can take your mind off that.”


His hand splayed on my midriff and his weight and thigh went away. He pushed me on my back and leaned over me.

“Give me one good reason not to do this,” he demanded, looking me straight in the eye.

His hair was sexy wild again. His face was both soft and hard. Soft with whatever it was I’d seen the last couple of days whenever he looked at me, hard with determination and desire.

In the face of that, without my morning coffee, I had difficulty answering.

“That’s what I thought.” His head started to come down when the phone rang.

“Are you gonna answer that?” I asked against his lips. His arms were going around me, pulling me to him.

“Fuck no.”

He kissed me and I melted into him, immediately, happily, the fight simply just went out of me. He was that fine of a kisser.

So be it. I was finally going to make love with Liam Nightingale.

My whole body rejoiced.

He fell to his back and pulled me over him, his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight.

The phone rang again and then something clattered on the night table, but he ignored them as he dragged his lips along my jaw to my ear.

I shivered.

One of his hands slid over my ass while the other one held tight at my waist.

“I love your ass,” he murmured in my ear. “I’ve always loved your ass.”

His words shivered through me. I had no idea he loved my ass. The very thought thrilled me to the core. So much so, I kissed him for all I was worth.

I heard him groan under my kiss and that thrilled me too.

The phone was ringing again and the thing on the night table vibrated and clattered. Lee’s hand was in my underwear and my hand was at his belly, exploring his washboard abs on a downward descent.

Then the door buzzer went, three quick buzzes and then a longer one.

Lee’s hand stilled.

“Fuck!” he clipped from behind clenched teeth.


He flipped me on my back as if I weighed no more than a sack of feathers and gave me a quick kiss.

“Don’t fucking move,” he warned and angled out of bed.

He grabbed a pair of jeans before he walked to the door, and I watched him go, frozen solid and fascinated by my first, unadulterated view of his perfect, naked body, including the particularly generous gift with which God had chosen fit to endow him.

At the sight and the realization that I was sleeping next to a naked Liam Nightingale, I’m not embarrassed to admit, I think I had a mini-orgasm.