Page 230 of Rock Chick

In fact,Iwas shaking, full body shakes, head to toe. I didn’t want to admit it, India Savage, Rock Chick and Scaredy Cat, but there it was.

Wilcox leaned forward obediently. I cuffed him and then took two (big) steps back.

Darius had Bad Guy Number Two on his knees on the floor, Darius standing over him pointing his gun to his head.

Everyone stood around watching Bad Guy Number One moaning on the floor and bleeding.

“What do we do now?” I asked no one in particular. I figured that Bad Guy Number One was, of course, a bad guy, but I didn’t figure it was all right to let him bleed to death on the rather nice rug.

“We need to call an ambulance,” Eddie said, eyes still on the writhing sidekick.

“No ambulance,” Darius put in.

Eddie’s gaze cut to Darius and his mouth got tight. “Darius.”

“No ambulance, Ed. Got the word from Mace. Gino’s cleanup.”

That’s when the air in the room changed.

Somehow, throughout my struggle and rescue, everything seemed to be normal. Well, at least kidnapping-and-rescue normal, so far as I knew it. Someone got shot (again), but the good news was this time it was a bad guy, and this time there was no tear gas. I hadn’t worn any makeup that day so I wasn’t in fear of mascara smears, but still, tear gas sucked.

Now, the atmosphere of the room was anything but normal.

“Gino?” Wilcox whispered.

The way he said it made me slide to the side to have a look at him, and I saw he was looking at Darius.

Darius didn’t answer.

Instead, Darius grinned.

Somewhere along the line the tables had turned. Now it was Darius who had a secret.

Wilcox surged to his feet, wrists behind his back, body tense.

“What do you mean, Gino’s cleanup?” Wilcox screamed, and I jumped back. His voice was hoarse and so terrified I almost felt sorry for him. Bad Guy Number One had quit writhing and was lying motionless and staring at Darius. Bad Guy Number Two had dropped his head, eyes to the floor, looking defeated.


What on earth was going on?

Who was Gino?

And where the fuck was Lee?

Eddie raised his gun and pointed it at Wilcox. “Sit down.”

Wilcox hesitated and Eddie’s body moved imperceptibly. Eddie had been relaxed, cool, in control. In a blink of an eye, he was tense, hostile and his eyes were glittering.

“Sit…the fuck…down,” Eddie commanded slowly and seriously pissed off, and I got the impression that it was not only Wilcox who was pissing him off, but also something else.

Even crazy Wilcox sat at the tone of Eddie’s voice. Wilcox wasn’t calm anymore. He was scared out of what was left of his ever-lovin’ mind.

“For God’s sake, will someone tell me, where inthehell is Lee?” I finally asked.


My eyes swung to a door behind Darius.