Early the next morning,I was standing outside in the middle of my yard wearing a pair of cutoffs and Lee’s olive drab shirt that saidArmyacross the chest. I had a coffee cup in one hand and the hose in the other hand, the spray gun locked down, and I was watering my flowers.
I heard a door open and then Stevie called, “Do ours too, will you?”
Still in my morning stupor, I lifted my coffee cup in a half-assed “gotcha,” not even bothering to turn around, and I heard the door close again.
I noticed Lee run across the sidewalk at the front of the house. He stopped, opened the front gate and walked into the yard to stand a couple feet away from me.
I looked up at him. He was wearing another pair of sweats cut at the thigh, these black and faded. The shorts were topped with the white Night Stalkers tee that I considered mine, the shirt plastered to him with perspiration. His running shoes were shoes that had been run in, not fancy-ass, look-at-me shoes.
Even with all that sweat, he was somehow not breathing heavily, and if I wasn’t in a haze I would have jumped him, I didn’t care how sweaty he was.
“Hey,” I said.
He looked at me then looked in the direction of the spray. His eyes crinkled and he looked at me again.
“Hey,” he said.
“I’m watering the flowers,” I told him.
He shook his head. “Honey, I hate to tell you this but you’re watering the fence.”
I looked toward the spray and saw that I was aiming a little high. The force of the flow was hitting the fence and running down,nothitting the flowers.
“I haven’t had enough coffee,” I explained.
He walked up and took the hose out of my hand.
“Perhaps you shouldn’t operate complicated machinery in the morning,” Lee suggested.
A hose spray nozzle wasn’t exactly complicated machinery, but I wasn’t going to argue.
“Do Tod and Stevie’s too, would you?” I asked, and then I walked into the house and sat on my new couch and put my feet up on the ottoman, staring off into space until I’d emptied the cup.
I topped it up and walked up the stairs where I put my mug on the bathroom counter, took off my clothes and got in the shower. I had a head full of shampoo and was rinsing when the shower door slid open and I heard Lee join me. Lee’s hands started on my hips and began gliding around, which made it kind of difficult to concentrate on the task at hand, but I persevered.
Once the soap was rinsed from my hair, Lee moved me out of the spray and took my place. I grabbed my conditioner and started to massage it into my hair.
“So, how exactly do you work all night, wake up before six in the morning and go for a run?” I asked.
“Practice,” he answered.
Soap was running down his body. At the sight, I kind of lost interest in the conversation. I abandoned my conditioner and started to glide my hands around Lee’s body, the soap making him nice and slippery. I began to explore in earnest, the water falling over both of us. Then I decided to make it a multisensory exploration, using hands and mouth, which Lee allowed for a while then he pulled me up and pressed me against the wall.
I looked into his eyes and noticed that I had unleashed Lee Beast.
One of his hands went down my ass and thigh. He lifted my leg and wrapped it around his waist.
“Did you bring the condoms up from downstairs?” I said against his mouth.
“I’ll pull out,” he replied.
“No! That never works. Ask Andrea.”
“Don’t worry about it. I want you pregnant.”
Holy crap.