Page 212 of Rock Chick

Lee pulled me off the couch. He lay down on his back and pulled me on top of him, shifting me to the side then tucking me in. I was snuggled up, cheek on his chest, watching the Rockies night game.

Okay, so, this wasn’t bad at all.

After I made that momentous decision, I fell asleep.

* * *

Lee wokeme up by shaking me and saying, “Time for bed, gorgeous.”

I rolled over him and got up from the couch.

I disrobed between the couch and bedroom, crawling between the sheets wearing nothing but my hot-pink hipsters, too tired even to brush my teeth.

It took several seconds for me to notice that Lee was moving around the room but the noises he was making were not bedtime noises.

“What’re you doing?” I mumbled.

“I have work.”

I knew better than to ask, and furthermore, I didn’t want to know.

He turned off the light, leaned over me and kissed my temple.

“Be careful,” I told him.

“Always,” he whispered.

Then he was gone.

* * *

Lee wokeme up getting into bed.

I rolled into him and he tucked me against his side.

“Everything okay?” I muttered, though I couldn’t imagine he heard me because my mouth was mostly mushed up against his chest.

“Yeah. Go back to sleep,” he replied.

I laid there a second, close to dreamland, then I asked softly, because I had to know, “Is this gonna be my life?”

His body was tense when I rolled into him, but had relaxed after he tucked me in. It got tense again at my question.

“Yeah,” he answered, ever the straight-talker.

I took a deep breath into my nostrils and let it out my mouth. “Just promise me one thing.”


“I want you to wake me when you get home.”

His body stayed tense for a beat then relaxed. “I can do that.”

“Thanks,” I said.

Then I fell asleep.

* * *