Page 186 of Rock Chick

“All the bad guys are either dead or behind bars,” I told him.



The door opened and Mr. Kumar came in. Behind him shuffled in scary, living-dead Mrs. Salim.

“We came to sell you back your book,” Mr. Kumar announced.

Double great. That triumph was short-lived.

“That’s cool, Mr. Kumar, but I don’t buy them for as much as I sell them,” I told him.

Mr. Kumar nodded. “It’s like a rental.”

I looked at him.

I could live with that.

Mrs. Salim shuffled into the bowels of the bookstore.

“She wants another one,” Mr. Kumar told me.

My day brightened.

“That’s cool too,” I told him.

“Hey, Kumar. You want coffee?” Tex called.

“Hello, Tex! No, no coffee. I’ll take some tea, though,” Mr. replied.

“No tea,” Tex stated.

I turned my head and looked at the gazillion boxes of Celestial Seasonings lined up on shelves on the wall.

“We have tea,” I told Tex.

“Okay, then,Idon’t make tea.”

I sighed and went behind the counter and made Mr. Kumar some tea.

I was handing him a cup when the door opened and Ally and Kitty Sue walked in.

“What’s shakin’?” Ally asked, then spied Tex and Mr. Kumar. “Hey, Tex, Mr. Kumar.”

“Do you want coffee?” Tex barked.

Both Ally and Kitty Sue took a step back.

“He’s replaced Rosie. He’s a java savant,” I told them.

“Yeah, I’ll take a coffee,” Ally said (which was smart).

Tex lumbered behind the counter and started banging away.

“Girl’s Night Out still on for tonight?” Kitty Sue asked me.

“Yep,” I replied.