Page 181 of Rock Chick

Lee was still standing in the doorway to the kitchen, and as I walked toward him he didn’t move.

Moments before I’d have to stop, he stepped to the side but just barely. I had to squeeze by him and I felt the heat from his glare as I did so.

He moved out of the doorway and into the dining room when I went into the kitchen.

“Eddie,” I heard him say, “what’re you doin’ here?”

“Lookin’ for you,” Eddie replied.

“You found me.” This was not said in a welcoming tone and the bad vibes were snapping in the air.

“I heard about you and Indy being in a brawl on Colfax last night,” Eddie said.


Not a good way to start.

I pulled out a coffee mug.

“We weren’t in a brawl. I was pickin’ up a skip and Indy was supposed to sit in the car. She got a hankerin’ to test out her new stun gun so she followed me in, dropped anyone who came near her. My backup came and we got out.” Lee waited a beat and finished, “She’s got a newfound fondness for stun guns.”

There was silence and then Eddie replied, “Yeah, I heard that too. Willie saw her with it, said the floor was littered with her victims.”

More silence.

I held my breath as I spooned sugar in Eddie’s coffee.

Then I heard low chuckling.

I let out my breath.

Okay, they were bonding over my crazy antics, which was somewhat embarrassing, but at least they were bonding.

I walked into the dining room and handed Eddie his coffee.

“I’m going to go get dressed,” I told them both.

Lee’s eyes moved over me and I couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

“Bring my shirt back down when you’re done with it, would you?” he asked.

I nodded, wondering at his mood, guessing it was not good after the flirty incident, and I scooted up the stairs.

I put on the red bra, a pair of red track bottoms that had a wide white stripe that ran from the side of the ankle, up the leg, across my upper ass and down the other leg. To this, I added a thin, white, tank top that showed a bit of cleavage. I spritzed on some perfume, rolled on some deodorant, rubbed in some moisturizer and slapped on some powder, blush and mascara, not feeling like the full treatment. I slid on some red flip-flops and headed back downstairs.

By the time I got there, Lee and Eddie were both sitting, or more to the point, lounging in king-of-the-castle fashion at my dining room table.


That didn’t take long.

I walked up to the table.

“It’s Tex’s first day with the morning crowd, I need to get to work,” I informed them, walking to the table.

Lee’s eyes had moved over me again as I approached, and Eddie’s gaze came around then dropped straight to my chest.

I ignored Eddie, stopped and handed Lee his shirt. He took it and shrugged into it.