Page 180 of Rock Chick

He arrived at my side, wrapped his fist in my hair, tugged my head back and kissed me, hard and deep with lots of tongue.

When he lifted his head he said, “I don’t like wakin’ up and you’re not beside me.”

My heart stuttered to a halt and I blinked.

“Sorry,” I whispered.

He let go of my hair and stalked into the kitchen.


Guess Lee needed his morning coffee too.

The doorbell rang and I got up, went to the window and looked to see who it was at that ungodly hour. Likely, the world was coming to an end and Lee needed to save the day.

It was Eddie.


I went to the door, grabbed the key off the hook beside it, unlocked and opened it then unlocked the security door.

Eddie was dressed exactly like yesterday. Except his jeans were even more worn, which meant they fit him all the better, and the white thermal tee had been exchanged for a black one.

I pushed open the security door and greeted, “Hey, Eddie.”

He walked in, pulling off his mirrored shades.

“Indy,” he replied. “I’m lookin’ for Lee.” His eyes dropped down to my body and he took in Lee’s shirt. “I guess I found him.”

“Eddie,” Lee said, and both Eddie and I looked into the house.

Lee was standing in the doorway to the kitchen holding a coffee mug, jeans buttoned, eyes cold, face blank.


This was weird.

Nobody moved. Nobody said anything.

I decided to forge into the breach.

“Eddie, you want coffee?” I asked, sidling around him and into the living room.

“Sure, three sugars and cream. Thanks.”

I tilted my head and noted, “You like it sweet.”


Shit, shit, shit.

I’d flirted. I didn’t mean to, it just came out.

Eddie looked at me, an amused twinkle in his eye. “Yeah, I like it sweet.”


“All righty then,” I muttered and hurried across the room.