Page 15 of Rock Chick

I blinked at the clock on the bedside table. It was seven after six.

I might be a party girl, but I’d never been able to sleep late. Even when I fell into bed at four a.m., I woke up before seven.

This caused me, over the years, to perfect the art of the midday Disco Nap.

Today was going to be a Disco Nap Day, I could feel it.

There was no way I was getting back to sleep and no way I was gonna remain sprawled all over Lee.

I moved to get up and the arm he had wrapped around my lower back tightened and his fingers dug into my hip.

“Jesus, what is it with you?” he grumbled.

“It’s morning.”

He opened an eye and glanced at the clock.

Then he closed it.

“Barely,” he muttered.

“I’m gonna make coffee,” I announced.

This was apparently an acceptable reason to move as his arm fell away.

“Do you have an extra toothbrush?” I asked.


That was a stupid question. Lee may not still be the dawg he was in high school, but that didn’t mean he didn’t nail his fair share of anatomically impossible babes. He probably had a box full of extra toothbrushes.

“Do you have two?” I went on.

The eye opened again and focused on me.

Yikes part deux.

I jumped out of bed, grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I located one extra toothbrush still in its packaging and went to town on my teeth.

I took care of my teeth. I made a promise to myself that I’d die with my original set and that’s what I intended to do.

I opened the door to the bedroom. “Do you have floss?” I called.

“For Christ’s sake.”

Obviously, Lee didn’t care that much about his teeth.

That’s okay. Lee seemed to be doing averygood job at taking care of other parts of his body.

I pulled on my jeans and struggled into my bra under the wife beater because I’d decided to steal the wife beater if I could get away with it to keep as a little memento. Then I padded into the kitchen trying to be quiet for Rosie.

Rosie had a big day today and he needed his beauty rest.

The living room, dining room and kitchen were open plan in an L shape. The condo was on a corner and the entirety of it had a balcony wrapped around it. There were French doors from the dining room, which was across from the kitchen. There were also French doors from the living room, which was an extension of the dining room, and French doors in the bedrooms. Big money for this kind of location, the huge, airy rooms and the view afforded.

The kitchen was state of the art and mostly hidden from the living room behind the wall that made up the bathroom and extra bedroom.

Still, I had to be quiet.