“About you lookin’ for Rosie with Tex. I’m gonna have to ask you not to do it,” Lee announced.
I didn’t want to have this conversation now. I was tired, very relaxed, maybe even happy. I didn’t want a conversation that might get heated.
So I ignored him.
He shook me a bit.
“Mm?” I mumbled into his shoulder.
“Did you hear me?”
“I heard you.”
He sighed.
“You’re thinking of cuffing me to the bed again, aren’t you?” I asked.
I tilted my head to look at him without moving my cheek from his shoulder. “Why don’t you want me looking for Rosie?”
“How many reasons do you want?”
“Two.” I was still relaxed, but beginning to feel snippy.
“You don’t know what you’re doin’ and Tex is a fucking crazy man.”
“Both good points.”
Holy shit.
Did I say that out loud?
What was it with me? I was blurting out my honest thoughts willy-nilly.
He rolled into me. His thigh came between my legs, forcing one of mine to hook around his hip and his hand went to my ass and pressed me to him. His other hand tucked my head in his neck.
I realized he thought I agreed with him and this was my reward.
It was a good reward, being held by Lee like that. Really good.
He didn’t have to know that even though I agreed with him, I was still going to do whatever the hell I wanted to do.
* * *
I wokeup when the bed depressed with Lee’s weight.
I opened my eyes and blinked at him.
“Coffee,” he said, and I saw the steam rising from a mug he was holding.
I scooted up, arranged the pillows, pulled the sheet up over my chest and took the coffee.
I took a sip. It was strong.
“My hero,” I breathed into the joe.