Page 127 of Rock Chick

“I’m beginning to see your point.”


“We’re still gonna take it slow.”

I gave an impatient noise.

Then I asked, “Why?”

“Because I want to,” he told me.

“What about what I want?”

His head came up and he looked at me again, his eyes warm.

“You’ll get what you want.”

I glared at him thinking,you bet your sweet ass I will.

He went back to nuzzling and I started squirming. I couldn’t help it, his mouth on my neck felt good.

Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t in a race for an orgasm because this was Lee Nightingale or because I hadn’t had one for a while (which I hadn’t, at least not one that wasn’t self-induced), but because I was seriously aroused and had been nursing a slow burn for days.

Lee was good with his hands, with his mouth. His body was so warm it was hot, and it not only felt good because of the warmth, but because it was hard and heavy. He was strong, which made me feel safe. Something else was hard and pressing against my thigh, and I knew what that something looked like and I wanted it. First in my hand, then inme, and if there was time in between, there were other things I was considering doing with it.

His hands slid down my arms and his mouth went lower. He skimmed my breasts over the fabric with his lips then he came back up to kiss me.

My hand went to his ass, inside his jeans, grasping it. When his lips broke from mine, my lips went to his neck. Using the tip of my tongue I explored his throat and jaw.

My hand moved from his ass, around the side, to the front.

“Indy,” he said, part warning, part growl, part laugh.

I didn’t bother with the buttons. My hand dove in, and while I kissed him, I found him. With what little room I had between his jeans and his package, I wrapped my fingers around him.


“Yes,” I whispered against his lips as I stroked downward.

“That’s it,” he declared.

Lee jackknifed up and I lost my hold. He bent over, grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

“What?” I asked.

He bent over again, put an arm behind my knees, one at my waist and lifted me.

“You want fast, we’ll go fast.”

“Yippee,” I said.

He was carrying me to the bedroom. “Did you just say ‘yippee?’”

Oopsie. I didn’t realize I spoke aloud.

“It slipped out,” I told him.

“Well, this is one thing I’m gonna allow you to cute your way into.” He dropped my legs when he reached the side of the bed. He released me and sat down to take off his boots, but looked up at me. “Don’t get used to it,” he warned.