“We jumpedthirteen percent in sales this month, which is quite an improvement, given the shit show that happened these past couple of weeks.” I pause and look over the numbers on my paper in front of me. “But—” I look up to the same men who sat at this table last night and took my threats. “—do not let that make you believe you can slack on what needs to be done. We are still looking for anyone who may have been working with Levetti.”
The door opens, and Giulio enters.
“Sir,” he inserts, “I need to speak to you in private.”
Knowing my underboss would never interrupt a meeting for anything other than an emergency, I close the folder in my hand and drop it on the table. “Get back to work. We will meet tomorrow,” I tell the other men in the room, and they all stand and follow behind me, going the opposite direction as Giulio and me when we leave the conference room.
We head upstairs to my office that overlooks the club, and the second they’re all out of earshot, I ask, “What’s going on?”
“It’s Mrs. Valiente, sir. She’s seemed to have run off.”
I halt and turn toward him.“Excuse me?” My teeth grind as my jaw clenches.
“Yes. She escaped both guards.”
I turn once again and continue to my office, my anger growing stronger with each step.“Tell me, how does my wife just get away, Giulio?”
“I’m not sure. I asked Farren to brief us both.”
“Is he in my fucking office?” I yell in his face.
“Yes, he couldn’t find her, and he didn’t want to tell us over the phone.”
I scoff.“He isn’t going to win fucking brownie points for coming to me in person. He let her out of his sight! What does her tracker say? We should be able to find her with that. Did he forget how to do his job?” I growl, and finally, we make it to my office. When I throw open the door, Farren jumps and starts backing away as I gain on him.
“That’s part of the problem. They found it… in your closet. She took it out,” Giulio tells me, and my head nearly pops off.
That crazy fucking bitch.
“Sir. I’m sorry. She slipped out.”
My hands are on Farren’s neck the moment he finishes that sentence, and I push him hard against the glass wall that overlooks my club.
“You are a trained fucking assassin, and my little five-foot five wife got the better of you?” I mock him.
This is a joke, right? How do these men keep fucking up like they don’t know their heads from their asses?
“Sir, she had a plan, and I made a mistake.”
Tilting my head, I look him deep in the eye, that feeling of needing to hurt and drain breath out of someone creeping in. The part where humanity leaves me and my dark side completely captivates me.
“I think we need stronger men, wouldn’t you agree, Giulio?” My eyes never waver from Farren’s. No, they continue assessing as I breathe in the fear exuding from him.
“I agree, sir.”
Farren grits out, “Sir, I’m tracking her card. She used it on a cab, and I have the driver down in the basement. He swears he dropped her off two blocks away, but after that, her card was used at a clothing store. It was closed when we got there.”
The boiling in my stomach, simmers over.“Fuck you and your stupidity!” I punch him hard, his head flying back and hitting the bulletproof glass so hard his brain must rattle. I release his neck, and he falls to the ground.
I turn, rubbing the throb between my eyes. One hand on my hip, I think about what to do.
Why would she run from me? Where is she going? Something in me feels different, and that just adds to how beyond angry and out of control I am. Regardless of where we stand currently, I still hate the knowledge that she’s out there in the night, a moving target.
Why do I care? If she wants to act stupid and like a madwoman, then I should let her. But—I can’t. Why is she crawling in my skin and affecting me? I am spiraling into fucking madness.
“Her phone. Check her phone.”
“She left it at home, sir,” Farren groans out, standing slowly.