Nicoand I got to the hotel room and immediately went to sleep. We each had nothing left to offer in those early-morning hours. And we didn’t wake until nearly noon the next day. Breakfast, or lunch, was waiting for us already, and that first sip of coffee was what I needed to start the day.
Nico showered first, as he has business to attend to before the big night tonight.
I can't believe this is going to happen. My brothers and father will be gone. Their reign of terror will be over, and for my mother, well, her terror will truly just begin.
Part of me knows that if they hadn’t attempted to kill us, then I wouldn’t have let this take place tonight, but when my father admitted it on the phone and with so much hate in his voice, I knew what I had to do to not only protect Nico and me, but to protect the future of us. Meaning my children. My father would never stop. He cannot be stopped unless he’s dead.
I will be free forever. And something I truly never thought I would say—Nico will also be free. Just a short time ago, I wouldn't have cared about his freedom. But now, that’s all changed. Feelings developed, love blossomed, and I want his parents’ retribution.
Nico emerges from the suite bedroom, and he’s dressed in a suit, as always. Never a workday he would be in anything else.
“You’re so handsome,” I say unprompted. I'm so lucky. Nico is the epitome of God's gift to women, over six feet with black hair slicked back in a way only he can pull off. His green eyes compliment his strong facial features. He is a work of art, and I am merely a woman.
“You’re beautiful, principessa.”
I am still in a robe, and my hair is a mess on the top of my head. But I take the compliment, because it's coming from him.I open my mouth, and what comes out next seems to come out of nowhere, but we never talked about it after it happened.
“Nico, I want to thank you for what happened with Damian. Thank you for protecting me and getting rid of all the pictures and videos,” I tell him, and he eyes me over curiously.
“Where is this coming from? And you don’t need to thank me. That’s my job.”
I roll my eyes, because even after all the emotions we’ve shared, he will keep some sort of nonchalant, “this all business to me” energy.
“I just keep thinking about the past couple of months and how we got to where we are, and I never thanked you. For yourbusiness,” I add, teasing him.
He understands what I meant, and he instantly corrects me.“I didn’t mean it was my mafia responsibility. It’s my job as your husband to always protect and defend you, Emelia.”
“Oh, well thank you,” I reply bashfully.
“I will do it again and again.” He doesn't say it outwardly, but he’s insinuating what he’s planning to do tonight.
“Are you going to eat?” I change the subject. This is all a bit much for brunch talk. We will be knees-deep in it soon, and I want to try to make every last minute count.
“Yes, I am, but I’m going to take it to go. I have something I need to do before I come back here this afternoon to get you. The makeup artist will be here in an hour, and your dress should be here soon as well,” he tells me, grabbing an apple and toast before leaning down and kissing me.
“Oh, okay. Well, I will miss you. See you tonight?”
“See you tonight, baby.” He starts to walk away, but he stops. “And Emelia, please wear my mother’s pearls tonight. They mean a lot to me.” He leaves like a gust of wind that came and went.
My heart starts to flutter. So he did give me those pearls because he was falling for me. It was intimate. It did mean something to him. And now, knowing how much he loved his mother, they will hold a special place in my heart.
I realize I’ve daydreaming about Nico and what those pearls mean for longer than I meant to when there’s a knock on the door and I’m pulled back to my regular state of mind.
“Ma’am, your makeup artist is here,” the guard Nico brought alert me, and I move toward him as he opens the door. I see a young man who is maybe five-foot five, and he looks terrified of the three guards watching my room.
“Hi, I’m Francisco. I’m here to do your makeup, Mrs. Valiente.”
“Yes, come in, and don’t let them intimidate you. They’re all bark and no bite.” I give him a wink and move aside for him and one of the men to come in. I don’t ask questions, knowing Nico most likely told them I’m not to be alone with anyone and to double up with security when my makeup artist got here.
“Where would you like me, friend?” I ask, trying to make Francisco more comfortable. Seriously, he looks petrified.
“Um, the chair by the window is fine.”
I look at the comfy chair and round table by the large open windows, and I move to it. Francisco sets up shop and gets to work. Soon enough, with just the right amount of small talk, we get to chatting like we know one another. He tells me he has a partner and two sons they adopted. I told him we’re thinking about having kids, and of course he tells me all about why I should and the ups and downs of being a parent. But all in all, he reiterates how amazing it is. I wish I could bring him back to Seattle with us. He’s seriously one of the kindest people I’ve ever met.
I’m sad when we have to part, but when I see how lovely he did my makeup, my stomach flips at knowing how much my husband will be salivating over me tonight. I work on my own hair, something I told Nico I prefer to do. I blow dry it halfway, then add curlers. Letting those set for a bit, I sit and call Nico.