Calliope grinned. “I sure did,” she admitted. “Had he been the type, I would have kept hooking up with him, too.” She got a dreamy look in her eye. “Whatever can be said about Hunter Finley, it can’t be said that he doesn’t know what he’s doing in the bedroom.”

“Do you guys mind?” I asked, sounding just like a prude. “That’s my family that you’re talking about.”

“Hunter and Lars aren’t your family,” Deidra countered.

“They might as well be,” I said as I opened my salad. “I grew up with them just the same as Talon.”

“Nowthat’sa dream that I’ll always regret not achieving,” Julie sighed. “I would have love to hook up with Talon at least once.”

“Really?” I deadpanned. “Is lunch really going to be all about Talon, Hunter, and Lars?” I wasn’t sure why I was feeling annoyed, but I was.

Before anyone could say anything, I felt a masculine body drop on the bench next to me, and when I turned, Lars was straddling the seat, looking at me.

Now, while I’d just claimed Lars as family, even I wasn’t so blind as to not see the fascination with him. Lars Finley was six-foot of pure panty-dropping gorgeousness. He had dark brown hair, vivid hazel eyes, a ripped body, and he had more charisma than was wise for one guy to possess. Lars Finley definitely fit the image of hot guys everywhere, and if the rumors were to be believed, he was good in bed. Girls tripped over themselves to get at Lars, and it was also said that he wasn’t a jerk, despite his reputation for getting around. It was said that he was nice to the girls that he slept with, and I found that oddly sweet. Guys could be such assholes after getting what they wanted, but Lars wasn’t known to be that way.

“Hey, Edie.”

I just stared at him.

Finally, I asked, “Did you want something?”

“I’m just checking up on you,” he said, not caring about our audience.

I scowled. “Why would you need to check up on me?”

“Why wouldn’t I need to?” he shot back.

“Uh…because we don’t go to school in Sudan,” I remarked dryly.

“You could be home schooled and sitting in the safety and comfort of your own home, and I would still be checking on you,” he huffed. “Don’t get too comfortable now that Tal’s gone, Edie.”

That had my eyes widening. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

“You heard me.”

Even though I was very aware that the three other girls at the table were all ears, I wasn’t going to let Lars intimidate me. “You’re not my brother, Lars,” I reminded him, though I’d just tried to convince Calliope, Julie, and Deidra only moments ago that Lars was my family. “I am not your responsibility.”

“The fuck you’re not,” he argued.

“Lars, I-”

“Just know that I’ll be watching you, Baby Draven,” he said as he stood up.

I glared up at him. “Call me that again, and I will murder you in your sleep.”

Ignoring me, he said, “Don’t forget that I have football practice after school. You can wait in the stands until I’m done.”

The jerk was gone before I could say anything.

“Why is that alpha shit so damn sexy?” Julie sighed.

“Seriously,” Calliope agreed, pretending to fan herself.

I looked over at them. “It’d be sexy if we were seeing each other,” I corrected. “That was just him being a dickhead.”

“If you’re not seeing each other, then why do you have to wait for him after practice?” Deidra asked.

I felt stupid telling them the truth, but I wasn’t big on lying. “I don’t like driving my car.” I shrugged. “So, Lars drives me to and from school.”