Finally, she asked, “What?”

“Have you updated your social media accounts to show that you’re in a relationship with me?” I repeated.

Her eyes widened even further. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Have you updatedyours?”she shot back.

“I can do that right now,” I stated as I let go of her hand to pull my phone from my back pocket.

“Are you seriously updating your accounts right now?” Edie asked incredulously.

“Hey, nothing is real until it’s verified on social media,” Julie stated like that was a real thing.

“That’s not true,” Calliope argued. “Some people actually value their privacy, Julie.”

Ignoring their debate, I eyed Edie. “Now it’s your turn.”


“Do it, or I’ll do it for you, Edie,” I warned her.

“Fine,” she snapped unhappily, but as long as she did it, I’d make it up to her later.

Just then, the second warning bell for class rang, causing Edie to narrow her eyes at me again. The girl had a thing for punctuality, and I couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t been that way. It would actually ruin her day if she was late for something.

Grabbing her hand, I said, “Come on, let’s get you to class.”

By the time that I delivered Edie to her first period of the day, the entire school knew about us, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Chapter 24

The chance that shapes our futures.


Edie wasn’t talking to me, but I wasn’t overly worried about it. She was probably going to get mad at me a million times over during the course of our lifetimes, so I might as well get used to it now.

When she flung her backpack on the couch, I did my best not to laugh. I didn’t need this girl stabbing me in the face because she was premenstrual. On the list of things that I hadn’t ever needed to know in life, Edie’s period had always been one of those things. Though Mrs. Draven had always been there for Edie, Talon was a pro at knowing what kind of tampons to buy for a girl. Now, while Hunter and I weren’t quite that progressive, there’d a been a few times that we’d had to pick up a box for Edie, and I knew that she used the regular size.

“So, what? Are you just going to be mad at me forever?”

“Sounds like the perfect plan,” she retorted flippantly. “In fact, it sounds like the best idea that you’ve ever had, Lars Finley.”

Edie was heading towards the kitchen, and since that’s where the knives were kept, I quickly reached for her, wrapping my arm around her waist, hauling her back against my chest. “C’mon, baby,” I cooed. “I think you’re overreacting.”

The irritated girl turned in my arms, those fascinating blue eyes of her blazing with emotion. “You commandeered the morning announcements to broadcast that we were dating,” she huffed, still in disbelief over it. “You’re insane, Lars.”

“I figured what better way to get the word out,” I said, defending my rather dramatic actions.

Her eyes flared. “Everyone already knew,” she argued. “Between your social media, Dillon running around with the news, and the girls, everyone already knew, Lars. There was absolutely no need to steal the microphone from Kenneth Frawley and announce it like a damn fire drill.”

My lips twitched, which was probably a bad thing. “Baby, you’re acting like that’s the craziest thing that I’ve ever done.” I eyed her. “How long have you known me?”

“Yeah, but this is the first time that your crazy antics involvedme,”she pointed out. “It was not appreciated.”

Still taking my life in my hands, I asked, “You’re not proud to have me as your boyfriend?”