Though I had always taken school seriously, growing up the way that I’d had, the plan had been to get a regular job at a regular place and make regular money. I’d had no huge aspirations to get out of Lakeside, nor had I felt sad about it. Life was a precious gift, and I chose to enjoy it, no matter where or how.

Nevertheless, things had changed last year when Talon had fallen off his nut for Kenzlee Mitchell. Kenz had transferred to Lakeside, Talon had run into her in the hallway, and then it’d been nothing but fireworks after that. Talon had chased her with all the finesse of a raging bull, and he had caught her. When she had come into an unexpected inheritance, instead of returning to the rich side of town and forgetting all about us, she had paid off houses, purchased much-needed cars, and had footed everyone’s first year of college. The girl was a fucking walking miracle, and I felt bad for anyone that ever tried to take her from Talon. Not only was the guy lethal with his fists, but he loved Kenzlee Mitchell more than his own life.

At any rate, the plan was to enjoy my senior year of school, then go on toreallyenjoy college life. Talon and Kenzlee had ended up at school together, and so had Hunter and Alexandria Grant, Kenzlee’s cousin. We’d all been a super close group last year when we’d all been together, and now it was just me and Edie, but that was okay. I adored Edie Draven and considered her a good friend.

Now, while I knew a lot of people at school, Hunter and Talon had been my family and best friends all my life. We’d been attached at the hip, and I knew that it was going to take a while to get used to not seeing them on campus. However, that wasn’t to say that I didn’t have other people to hang out with, because I did. Even without Hunter and Talon with me, I had a reputation for a good time, and I got along well with most people. Granted, that didn’t mean that I couldn’t swing my fists if I needed to, but I tried not to; that was all Hunter and Talon.

“Ready to rule the school?” I turned to see Dillon Wells grinning at me. “That’s what senior year is all about, man.”

Because I wasn’t a douchebag, I refrained from pointing out that I had already ruled the school with Hunter and Talon last year. Instead, saying, “I’m ready for whatever.”

Dillon was a jock, and though I liked to play sports, they weren’t in my future the way that football was for Dillon. So, while Dillon was playing football this year to help him get into college, I was on the practice squad just for the exercise and fun of it. Dillon was also six-foot of athletic prime, and his blonde hair and blue eyes always guaranteed that some chick was on his arm.

“You know, there’s been some talk,” he remarked.

Grabbing my book from my locker, I turned to give him my full attention. “About what?”

“Well, now that Talon and Hunter are off at college, people are wondering if you’re going to take up the fights now,” he said, surprising me.

“Why would I do that?” I asked him. “Tal only did it for the money, and Hunter only did it whenever he needed to blow off steam. I don’t need money or have the need to blow off steam.”

“Dude, c’mon,” he said like a practicing frat boy. “Think of all the pussy that you’ll get if you start fighting.” I just stared at him because my reputation with girls spoke for itself. “I’m not talking about high school pussy. I’m talking about all that college shit that turns a man stupid.”

I arched a brow. “Because you’ve had college pussy?”

“I’m just saying, Lars,” he replied, almost whining. “For whatever reason, fighting makes their panties fall off, and who doesn’t want a wild chick wrapped around them?”

“I don’t need to sign up for the fights to get my dick wet by a crazy chick, Wells,” I drawled out. “I do just fine without getting my face smashed in for it.”

“Yeah, right,” Dillon snorted. “Because you’d lose.”

“That’s not the point,” I argued.

He tapped me on the shoulder. “Just think about it,” he said. “We can have lots of fun if you fight.”

“Why don’tyousign up if you’re so interested?”

“Because I can’t afford to get hurt off the field,” he replied. “Football’s my only way out, and I’m not going to jeopardize it for pussy.”

“Well, I’m not interested in the fights,” I repeated. “I’m all for partying and whatever, but I was done with the fights as soon as Talon and Hunter were.”

“Alright, man,” he relented.

“I’ll see you at practice after school,” I said, ready to get to class.

Leaving Dillon to think whatever he wanted, I was rounding the corner, very aware of the time, when I almost mowed down Lindsey Vance.

“Oh,” she cried out, and I grabbed her in time to keep her from hitting the ground.

“Shit,” I hissed. “Sorry, Lindsey.”

As soon as she noticed that it was me, her blue eyes flared. “Oh, it’s okay,” she replied. “You know I don’t mind it when you have your hands on me, Lars.”

Yeah, Lindsey Vance was one of many.

“Are you okay?” I asked, ignoring her comment.

“Yeah, I-”