I licked my bottom lip, and that’s when I felt Alex grab my hand. “Hey, he’s just talking.”

Catching myself, I threaded my fingers through hers. “Yeah, I know.”

The rest of the ride was made in silence, but with the way that my mind was spiraling with thoughts about Alexandria, I wasn’t sure it that was a good or bad thing. Alexandria wasn’t some girl to just have fun with. We were friends, and I wanted to remain friends with her. I didn’t want to ruin what we had between us because it would affect more than just me and her. We were all family at this point, and that was important to me. I could see it being important to Alex, too.

When we finally pulled up to my dorm building, I tipped the driver extra, even though Alex had probably already tipped him, which got me to thinking. “Hey, the next time we share a ride, I pay,” I told her.

The woman rolled her eyes as she took my hand, letting me help her out of the car. “You’re such a guy, Hunter.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I replied dryly.

Threading my fingers through hers once more, I escorted her to the front of the building, and neither of us said anything as we made our way to my room. Sure, there were people everywhere, but students didn’t get ratted out for this kind of shit unless guests were being disruptive, or so I’d been told.

When we finally made it to my room, I unlocked the door, though it had taken a couple of tries. Honestly, I had no idea if I really was still drunk-ish or if it was nerves. Now that we were here, I wasn’t sure if having Alexandria in my room was such a great idea after all. Yeah, I could convince myself that I’d brought her here for safety reasons, but her perfume kept doing things to me.

Alex gave the room a curious glance, but that was it. She didn’t spend any time looking around or asking to go through my stuff. Instead, she turned to look at me, then said, “I don’t have anything to sleep in.”

I almost groaned.

I had to clear my throat before speaking. “I…uh, I have some stuff you can wear.”

Alexandria started to kick off her shoes, and who would have thought that a girl kicking off her shoes would be so fucking sexy? “What do you have for me, Hunter?”

Holy shit.

Scolding my dick, I forced him and me to acknowledge that she was asking about sleepwear and nothing more. Alexandria was not standing in the middle of my room doing anything more than getting ready for bed. Knowing that Baron wasn’t going to come back to the room, I wondered if I should just sleep on his bed. Though that was extremely invasive, I didn’t think that he’d mind all that much. I could even wash the sheets afterwards if he wanted me to.

Turning away from the girl that was driving me crazy, I went to grab something out of the closet, but her next words stopped me. “I’ll just take the shirt that you have on.”

Sweet fucking Jesus.

I turned to look back at her, and though she looked like the same Alexandria that I’d known since we were kids, she still looked different.

Rooted to the floor, I didn’t move as Alex crossed the room, stopping when she was standing right in front of me. With those crazy icy eyes of hers looking up at me, my lungs stopped working when she reached for the hem of my shirt, lifting it to commandeer it for herself.

As soon as it cleared my head, I looked down at her as I asked, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing Alexandria?”

She was looking at my chest, tracing one of my tattoos with the tip of her finger, and if ever there was a moment when all those hours at the gym had been worth it, it was now. Alexandria was looking at me like I wasn’t her friend from her hometown. She wasn’t looking at me like I was just friends with her cousin’s fiancé. She wasn’t looking at me like we were both here for moral support.

After getting her fill of my body, those light blue eyes looked back up my way, and I knew that there was no going back when she answered, “I knowexactlywhat I’m doing, Hunter. The real question here is whether or not you know whatyou’redoing.”

With that green light, there was nothing left to do but wreck this fucking girl.

Chapter 8

The desire that consumes us.


Taking Alexandria’s face in my hands, my lips came down on hers, and my knees almost weakened with how perfect my lips felt on hers. Whatever changed between us, itreallyfucking changed, and anyone that said getting into a serious relationship in college was stupid and could kiss my ass.

Reaching for the hem of her shirt, I began yanking it upwards, and Alex pulled off my lips long enough to assist me. Before her shirt even hit the floor, my lips were back on hers, her arms wrapped around my neck. Whatever buzz that I’d had going on before was gone; I was stone-cold sober now, and I needed to keep in mind that Alex was a virgin. No matter how desperately she was kissing me back, she was still a virgin, and even if she wasn’t, this was Alexandria, for fuck’s sakes. She wasn’t some random college chick that I could use for the night with no expectations in the morning.

This was Alex.

When her hands went for my pants, I stopped her. “No fucking way, baby.” Her head reared back as she blinked up at me in confusion. “I’m eating that pussy first.”

“Hunter,” she moaned, and I was certain that my dick hadn’t ever been this fucking hard before.