Ihadn’t been lying when I’d said that I wasn’t a naïve virgin. While, technically, I was still a certified virgin, it wasn’t like I hadn’t dated back in high school. My experience wasn’t limited to some chaste kisses behind the football bleachers. I knew how to kiss, jack a guy off, and I knew what it felt like to have a guy’s lips and hands on my breasts. I also wasn’t a stranger to third base. I knew the feeling of having a guy fill you up, though I knew that getting fingered felt nothing like actually having sex, but still.

There was also the fact that I hadn’t been raised to shun sex or my sexuality. I’d known what an orgasm felt like way before the first time that I’d ever let a guy slide his hand down the front of my pants. Nothing felt better than an orgasm, and I dared anyone to argue that fact with me. So, yeah, there’d been plenty of times when I’d taken matters into my own hands, enjoying every single second of it.

However, while I considered myself knowledgeable enough, I couldn’t remember ever feeling so heated as I’d had when Hunter had talked about making a girl cum. Hunter got turned on by turning on his partner, and what was sexier than that? With those hazel eyes glowing and that voice of his rumbling, he’d had me wondering if he was the type of guy that actuallylikedgoing down on a woman. I’d heard that most guys didn’t enjoy it and only did it to score points, but I didn’t get that vibe from Hunter. Thanks to a lot of girl talk, Kenzlee swore that Talon never let a night go by without sticking his face in between her thighs, and if Hunter was the same way, then talk about finding a certified unicorn in the world.

So, that’s why I was drunk off my ass, dancing and making new friends like I’d never had a beer before. Even though I knew that Hunter was just trying to be a good friend, I found myself wishing that it wasn’t just his protective instincts keeping me safe at this party. So, to avoid any awkwardness on my part, I started drinking more, pretending that girls like Jamie Newman weren’t bothering me.

Letting my body flow with the beat, I wondered how a simple party could have gotten so complicated. When Hunter had picked me up for the party, things had felt normal. Yeah, I’d already been suspecting that I was beginning to see Hunter differently, but that still wasn’t anything that could take away from our friendship. So, arriving at this party, I’d been prepared to have a good time and nothing more.

However, all that changed when Baron had taken us to meet his friends. As soon as that Corbin guy had overstepped, things had quickly gone south. I’d had to act like a ditz just to smooth things over, something that I wasn’t exactly proud of. No girl wanted to be viewed as a nitwit, and I had gushed about nineties music just to play nice.

That whole nonsense with Jamie and her friends hadn’t help the night any, either. While girls like Jamie Newman were a dime a dozen, a small part of me still wondered if I was keeping Hunter from having a good time. I didn’t know many guys that said no to sex, so would Hunter have turned her down had I not been here?

Knowing that the answers weren’t going to magically appear, I figured I could call Kenzlee this weekend and tell her what was going on inside my brain. She might have some insight that I didn’t, and maybe she could tell me if what I was feeling was real or just plain loneliness.

When I felt a pair of hands land on my hips, I knew immediately who they belonged to. Though Hunter hadn’t been lying to Jamie when he’d said that he wasn’t a dancer, he’d been a good sport about keeping me company when I’d informed him that I was going to dance with or without him. However, up until this moment, he’d been the perfect gentleman, keeping his hands to himself.

Even through my jeans, I could feel the heat from Hunter’s hands, but that could also be the alcohol coursing through my veins, or all the hot bodies dancing in the living room. Whatever it was, it felt good, and there was nothing quite like having a guy’s hands warming your body. I had no idea why it was such a turn on for a guy to place his hands on your thigh, hip, back, or wherever, but it was.

Not quite brave enough to turn around, my lack of courage didn’t stop me from pushing my hips back against Hunter’s groin, our slow grind matching all the other couples that were dancing. I’d like to say that it was the alcohol that had me practically dry humping Hunter Finley in public, but it wasn’t. Yeah, it was helping me throw caution to the wind, but I’d thought about Hunter’s hands on my body way before I’d even had one drop of alcohol tonight.

When I felt one of Hunter’s hands slide up beneath my shirt, my arms reached up, wrapped around his neck, and I leaned back against him, letting the beat of the music guide our bodies. A shiver ran down my spine when I felt Hunter’s breath on the side of my neck, and if he kissed me there, then I was going to be like all the other idiots at this party, losing my virginity at the Cherry House.

Much to my disappointment, Hunter didn’t kiss my neck. In fact, he didn’t kiss me at all. Instead, he whispered in my ear, “Ready to get out of here?”

If he’d been any other guy, then I would have taken that as an invitation back to his dorm, but this was Hunter Finley. We were both drunk enough not to be able to drive, so he was probably still doing the honorable thing and looking out for me. While appreciated, why did he have to view me as some kid sister or something? Right now, with one hand on my hip, the other under my shirt, and his warm breath fanning my neck, I felt anythingbutsisterly for this guy.

Stepping away from him, I turned around, doing my best to maintain eye contact, then nodded my head. “Yeah, okay.”

Hunter grabbed my hand, then started leading me from the throng of dancers in the living room. As we weaved our way through the party crowd, I realized that a glass of water might not be a bad idea. While I didn’t feel trashed, I also wasn’t looking forward to a hangover in the morning.

“Hey! Where are you guys going?”

Hunter and I both stopped to see Baron calling out to us, and the dude looked worse than me and Hunter put together. Baron’s eyes were so red that I wondered if he was both high and drunk, which would take a lot since he was a huge mountain of a man.

“We’re heading out,” Hunter answered once Baron was weaving in front of us.

“Yeah, okay.” Baron reached out to shake Hunter’s hand, and I grinned at the professionalism that Baron was trying to display. “I’m trashed, so I’m going to crash here or leave with Holly.”

“Holly?” I asked because it was absolutely none of my business, but I couldn’t help myself. While the jury was still out on his friend, Baron seemed cool enough.

“Yeah,” he smirked. “We just became friends.”

“Don’t drive,” Hunter said, sounding like he was forty.

“Never,” Baron chuckled drunkenly. Then looking back and forth between us, he added, “You guys be safe. No driving for you, either.”

“We promise,” I replied, saluting him like a dork.

Baron’s blue eyes twinkled. “I like you, Alexandria Grant.”

“That’s because I’m likable, Baron Memphis,” I quipped, causing Hunter to yank me closer against him.

“It’s time to go,” he grumbled, saying his final goodbyes to his roommate.

As soon as the fresh air hit me, that’s when I knew that I was a lot drunker than I’d originally thought.

Chapter 7