“Okay,” I said, simply to appease her. Little did she know that I’d forgive her just about anything, a weakness so powerful that I could only hope that she never found out what she really did to me.

When Alexandria went to get off my lap, I immediately felt disappointed. However, it’d been a long day and it was already dark. I needed to get Alex back to her dorm, set up an appointment at the nearest clinic, then get some fucking sleep. The next couple of days were going to be tough, and there was still the fact that we were going to have to let our parents know what was going on if it turned out that Alexandria really was pregnant.

Just as I was about to stand up, Alexandria was kneeling before me, and I immediately felt lightheaded as all the blood in my body started rushing south. I could feel my chest tighten with hope, but I wasn’t so far gone that I’d forgotten where we were.

“What are you doing, baby?”

“Making it up to you,” she replied huskily as her hands reached for the button of my jeans.


“I want to, Hunter,” she said, making my brain snap. “Let me.”

“Baby,” I groaned, torn between being decent and letting her suck my dick out in public.

When Alexandria ran her hand up the hard length of me, I realized just how weak I was when it came to this woman. We could very well get arrested, despite my comments earlier to the contrary, but I couldn’t find it in myself to care as I felt Alexandria’s warm breath on my cock.


All protests died on my lips as Alex grabbed the base of my dick, then closed her mouth over the tip. My right hand automatically grabbed the back of her head as my other hand pushed down on the bench, my entire body shuttering as Alexandria took me to the back of her throat.

My eyes began to close as Alex started sucking my dick in earnest, but then I remembered that we were out in public, so they snapped open again, trying to keep an eye out while Alex drove me fucking crazy with her lips and tongue. For a girl that hadn’t had much experience before me, she sure as fuck knew what she was doing now.

“Baby…” I hissed as her tongue worked the sensitive ridge underneath my dick. “Fuck, Alex…”

She moaned around my length in her mouth and the vibrations had me nearly coming undone. Not only was it sexy as fuck that she was sucking my dick, but she was doing it where anyone could see, and that was fucking hot, just ask any guy. Quiet girls with wild streaks were like kryptonite to the male species, and I had one knelt down before me with my dick in the back of her throat.

I glanced around to make sure that no one was coming, and as much as I wanted to finish in her mouth, I wanted to rid myself of the memory of how she’d made me use latex the last time that we’d been together. Yeah, there was still a chance that she wasn’t pregnant, but I honestly didn’t give a fuck at this point. I’d already made peace with marrying Alexandria and knocking her up, so it wasn’t anything that I was going to worry about now.

“Alex? Baby?”

She looked up at me with pupils blown with desire. “Yeah?”

“I need to fuck you,” I told her. “I can cum in your mouth later. Right now, I need to fuck you.”

Her chest started heaving as she stood up from the ground. “Okay,” she whispered eagerly.

I reached for her hips. “Bend over the bench for me, baby.”

Like a fucking dream come true, Alexandria walked over to the edge of the picnic bench, then positioned herself exactly how I needed her. I glanced around the area again, making sure that no one was around as I walked up behind her, thankful that the table was the perfect height for where I needed it to be.

Placing my hands on her hips, I leaned down as I whispered, “How sure are you that you’re pregnant?”

Alexandria froze for a bit. “I know it like I feel it. Why?”

“Because if you’re not already pregnant, then it won’t be long before you are,” I informed her. “I’m taking you like I did that first night, Alex.”

Like the answer to all my prayers, Alexandria moaned.



If I’d had any sense or decorum, I’d be insisting on taking this somewhere more private. If I’d had any sense of decency, I wouldn’t have blown Hunter on the bench. If I’d had any sense at all, I would be arguing for protection until we found out for sure if I was pregnant or not.

Apparently, I had no sense.

Even though I knew that I was pregnant, this was still irresponsible. No matter how I felt, there was still a small chance that I wasn’t pregnant, making the decision to let Hunter take me without protection just as stupid as it’d been the first time. Still, I couldn’t find it in me to care with the way that his hands were pulling my jeans down over my hips and the way that his breath was hot on my neck.