That stopped my heart.


“Not sure when it happened, but I’m in love with you,” he said. “I love you, Alex.”



Her icy-colored eyes widened, and she even paled a bit. “What?”

“I love you,” I repeated. “Again, not sure when it happened, but I know what I feel for you, Alexandria. I know how I feel about you like I know my own name, and I’m not freaking out that you might be pregnant.” I shrugged casually. “Yeah, I’m surprised and wasn’t expecting anything like this, but I’m not freaking out about it.”

Alexandria still looked wary. “This is a lot, Hunter,” she said. “It’s a lot, and it’s a lot very fast.”

“Not arguing that,” I told her. “It’s also going to be hard to juggle school, work, and a baby, but I have no problem postponing my degree for a few years to take care of you and the baby, Alex.”

“Hunter…” she whispered brokenly.

“What, baby?” I asked softly.

“That’s what I meant about ruining your life-”

“Alexandria, you are out of your mind if you think that there’s anything more important to me than you and that baby,” I said, cutting her off. “Even if you decide that you don’t want to marry me, fatherhood will still always be more important to me than a college degree.” Alexandria’s eyes began to water. “You forget that I never planned on going to college to begin with. If it weren’t for Kenzlee’s money, I wouldn’t be here, Alex. I was always fine with working a regular job like millions of other people. Talon, Lars, and I had always planned to live life the hard way, baby.”

“Which makes this worse,” she sighed sadly. “You have a chance to do something different, and a child would-”

“Do nothing but steal some of my sleep, Alex,” I told her. “I’m not afraid of hard work. I’ll do whatever I need to in order to ensure that you have whatever you need while we go through this together.”

“It just doesn’t seem fair to-”

“Hey,” I said as I reached over, grabbed her hips, then set her over my lap. “You’re acting like I demanded to wear a condom, but you tied me down, then took advantage of me against my will, Alex.” Her shoulders sagged, and she looked so sad that it was killing me.“I’mthe one that forgot the condom,” I went on.“I’mthe one that decided that I’d rather feel you wrapped around me naturally than grab a condom that second time.I’mthe one that felt put out because you insisted on a condom this last time. Had you not said anything, I would have continued to fuck you without protection, damn the consequences, Alex.”

“Hunter, I just-”

“No, baby,” I said as I took her face in my hands. “Quit acting as if you got pregnant on your own, instead of the fact thatI’mthe one that got you pregnant.” My hands went back to her hips.“I got you pregnant, Alexandria. You can sit here and tell me all the fashionable 2023 reasons why this is all your fault, but it’s not. I’m the one that knew better, Alex. I’m the one that had the sexual experience where you had none. I’m the one that had made the decision to take you back to my place, instead of seeing you safely back to your dorm.”

“Yeah, butI’mthe one that let you do all that,” she pointed out. “Since it wasn’t rape, I’m the one that allowed all that to happen, Hunter.”

“Fine,” I told her. “Then let this bebothof our faults and quit fucking martyring yourself.” I reached up to push back an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “Let this be both of our faults, and let’s raise this baby together. Let’s do thistogether, Alexandria.”

Alexandria dropped her head on my left shoulder, and I just held her to my lap, dying to know what she was thinking and feeling. While we still needed to confirm if she was really pregnant or not, I honestly didn’t care anymore at this point. I just wanted Alexandria with me, and the more that I thought about marrying her, the more that I wanted to. Yeah, this shit was going to be hard, but I could do anything as long as I had the girl currently sitting on my lap with.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” Alexandria mumbled softly, and I could feel my stomach tighten with dread. If she didn’t want our baby, I had no idea what I was going to do. “We were supposed to come here and live life beyond Lakeside, which doesn’t even have a freakin’ lake.”

Despite it all, I smiled. “Yeah, I’ve always wondered about that.”

“We were supposed to meet new people, learn new things, and make stupid life choices,” she went on. “However, we were not supposed to make the stupidest life choice out there.”

I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Alex, I need to know what you’re going to do if you really are pregnant,” I finally said.

Alexandria lifted her head to look at me. “Like…if I plan on keeping the baby?”

I nodded. “You haven’t really said anything about your decision.”

Those blue eyes of hers looked troubled, but she still answered me. “I want to keep it.”