“I’ll give it some consideration,” I chuckled.

“Now, if you don’t mind, I’ll figure out the formatting myself,” he drawled out.

I stood up, eyeing him. “So, the program really was messing up?”

“Yep,” he answered. “However, I had also wanted to use it as an opportunity to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you,” I deadpanned.

Conrad let out a heavy sigh. “Just marry the dude already.”

If only life was that easy.

Chapter 19

The cowardice that shines brightly.


It was Sunday morning, and Hunter was still mad at me, and I probably deserved it.

I was eighty percent sure that I deserved it.

After that nonsense at work, we’d gone to dinner together, but we’d both been too much into our feelings to have a good time. So, ever the gentleman, Hunter had dropped me off at my dorm, stating that it might not be a bad thing to take a night off from each other. I’d felt rejected and stupid, and that was the only reason that I’d gone out this morning to buy a damn pregnancy test.

So, now I was sitting on the edge of my bed, looking at the little stick in my hand, grateful as hell that Jessica was off doing whatever she was doing. I hadn’t seen much of her this weekend, but I’d seen her long enough last night to let me know that she’d had hooked up with Baron and a couple of his friends. She had also insisted that I was missing out by not riding all the penises-her words, not mine.

However, looking at the stick in my hand, it looked like I wasn’t going to be riding any penises after a while because I was pregnant. Like a goddamn amateur, I’d gotten pregnant by the first guy that I’d ever slept with, and if that wasn’t the definition of a Greek tragedy, then I didn’t know what was.

After wrapping the third stick and its packaging into some paper towels, I shoved all of it into my purse, so that I could get rid of it later. There was no way in hell that I was going to toss the evidence in our little trash can for Jessica to see. Even if she wasn’t the type to tell my secrets, I didn’t need Jessica in my ear as I tried to process what I’d gotten myself into.

Nevertheless, because I needed someone to talk to, I called Kenzlee, and I felt such relief as she answered. “Hey, Alex.” Kenzlee sounded so cheerful that my eyes welled up, and if this was going to be the norm during my pregnancy, then I was in for a rough nine months. “What’s going on?”

“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out with no kind of workup.


More silence.

Then a little bit more silence.

Finally, she asked, “I’m sorry, what was that?”

I choked out a hollow laugh. “I’m pregnant.”

“Ho…how can you…you be…pregn…pregnant?” she sputtered. “You only slept with Hunter a week ago, Alex.” God, it sounded so stupid when she said it out loud. “I mean, can those tests even show up that early? Plus, how could you have gotten pregnant? Didn’t you guys use protection?”

“Not the first night,” I muttered.


“We…he came over to talk a couple of nights ago, and…well, we did more than talk,” I admitted weakly. “Supposedly, we’re dating.”


“I don’t know,” I whined like an idiot. “I’m a goddamn mess, Kenzlee. This thing with Hunter was never supposed to happen. I don’t even know how any of this happened. One second, he’s my hometown friend, and then the next, I’m giving him my virginity.” I let out a heavy sigh. “Who in their right mind has sex without protection the week before their flippin’ period, Kenzlee? How could I have been so damn stupid? I mean, there’s stupid, and then there’s me.”

“Okay, calm down,” she said kindly. “Let’s…okay, tell me how many tests you took. I mean, if you only took one, it can be-”