“Hey, she said that I couldn’t kidnap her again atyourrequest,” I reminded him.

Talon laughed. “You got me there.”



When I had finally woken up after my nap-which, let’s face it, had been way longer than what constituted a nap-I’d had no messages or missed calls from Hunter, and why would I? He was probably trying to figure out a way to not hold what I’d done against me. No matter how Hunter felt about me, he was too loyal to Talon to create problems within our little group. Plus, he owed Kenzlee just like the rest of us did, so I couldn’t see him wanting to upset her by ditching me completely because of last night.

Running my hands through my hair, I knew that I wasn’t going to put our conversation off much longer. Though young, we were still adults, and communication was the key to every relationship in this world, and it didn’t matter what kind of relationship it was. Festering was a real thing, and if you didn’t speak your mind, those unresolved emotions could quickly turn into poison.

However, before I jumped off that bridge, I was going to do my best not to land on my head. So, with my stomach growling and Gibson’s Diner just a few blocks away, I decided to call Kenzlee for some advice. Even though I’d grown up with Hunter, she knew him better than I did. With as close as Hunter, Lars, and Talon were and are, Kenzlee had spent a lot more time with the trio than I’d had last year.

As soon as my feet hit the sidewalk, I called Kenz, and because God was on my side today, she answered on the fourth ring. “Hey,” she greeted.

“Hey,” I greeted back. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

She laughed good-naturedly. “Talon’s not here. He’s out picking up dinner.”

“Lazy night in tonight?”

“Yeah,” she answered wistfully. “You know how he is.”

Talon had a problem sharing Kenzlee with the public. If you were to ask a therapist, they’d say that it was the worst kind of co-dependency. However, if you asked Talon, he’d just say that it was love. When Talon had fallen for my cousin, he’d fallen hard, and he wasn’t embarrassed by that fact at all.

“Well, I need to girl talk, so Talon being gone works in my favor right now,” I told her.

“Ooohhh, girl talk,” she teased. “What’s his name, and on a scale from one to ten, how hot is he?”

With my heart thumping inside my chest, I said, “His name is Hunter Finley, and on a scale from one to ten, he’s a goddamn fifteen.”


Finally, she asked, “Uhm, Hunterwho?”

“Finley,” I repeated. “F.I.N.L.E.Y.”

“Ha. Ha,” she deadpanned.

“Well, quit making me feel more anxious about this than I already do,” I grumbled.

“Holy crap,” she explained. “You like Hunter?”



“I…I forced my virginity on him last night,” I confessed, the words making my stomach tighten.

“I’m sorry, what?”

Clutching the phone to my ear, I let out a deep breath before telling her everything. I told her about how I’d begun to see him differently and about the unwelcomed jealousy that kept making an appearance whenever other girls were hitting on him. I told her about how we’d held hands, the party, the mixed signals on both our parts, how I’d thrown myself at him last night, and how I was avoiding him because I was ashamed of how I’d taken advantage of his kindness.

When I was finished, she said, “Wow.”

“Wow, indeed,” I agreed.

“Are you absolutely sure that he feels that way, Alex?” she asked. “Are you certain that he thinks that you took advantage of him?”