“It’s the best,” Darrell huffed in agreement. “Nothing can compete with those vibes.”

“Let’s go dance, Hunter,” Alex said, tugging on my arm.

While I had no objections to nineties hits, I knew for a fact that Alexandria listened to all kinds of music. I also knew that she didn’t need a guy to dance with her if she wanted to dance. There’d been many parties back in Lakeside when Alexandria had given no thought to whether she could dance or not; she danced whenever she was in the mood.

However, like everyone else in the group, I knew that she was acting like a sorority twit to get us away from a possible situation with Corbin. Though meaningless, I also didn’t appreciate Darrell and Rico mentioning me and Talon like they knew us just because they knewofus.

Letting Alexandria make everything easier for everyone, I said, “Yeah, sure. Let’s go dance.”

Tugging on my arm, she said, “Hurry before the song ends.”

I gave everyone a blanket head nod, shaking only Baron’s hand as Alexandria said her goodbyes. By the time we reached the house, the song was over, but neither of us cared about that. Alex had read the situation and had done what she could to diffuse the tension.

“Are you okay?” she asked as soon as we made our way back towards the kitchen.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I answered, letting out a deep breath. “I just didn’t like how that fucker was questioning our relationship.”

Alexandria’s lips formed a thin line before saying, “Well, it was a valid question. Normally, friends don’t go around holding hands.”

I looked down at her. “I see chicks walking around and holding hands all the time.”

“Don’t be a dick, Hunter,” she chided. “You know damn well what I mean.”

“You want to know what I know?” She nodded. “I know that I need another damn drink, and something a little stronger than a fucking beer.”

“Okay,” she replied. “Let’s see what we can find to get you out of your mood.”

Her pussy wrapped around my dick would do it, but I decided to keep that to myself.

Chapter 6

The hesitancy that causes doubt.


Acouple of alcoholic concoctions later, I was feeling better and so was Alexandria. Though we weren’t really out there mingling, the kitchen was the hubbub of the party since all the alcohol was in here, so we were steadily meeting all kinds of new people. Yeah, the conversations were superficial and barely coherent, but we were both having a good time.

I was just handing Alex another drink when I heard someone call my name. When I turned around, I saw Jamie Newman, her friend, Freida, and some other girl making their way over. All three girls were dressed to kill, and if any of them were virgins, I doubted that they’d still be by the time this party was over. Granted, I was probably giving them too much credit for being virgins, but still.

“Hey, Jamie,” I greeted when all three girls stopped in front of me. “Freida.”

“This is Becky Yuga,” Jamie replied, introducing the third girl.

I looked over at the new girl, making sure to aim a smile her way. After all, it wasn’t her fault that Jamie was pushy. “Hunter Finley,” I said, introducing myself before placing my hand behind Alex’s back. “This is Alexandria Grant.”

“Hey,” she replied, greeting us both.

“So, what happened to being too busy to party?” Jamie asked, getting right to the point.

“We were able to finish earlier than we’d expected,” I lied.

“Well, that’s great for us,” she exclaimed animatedly, and her prissy-girl impression automatically had my back straightening.

“It is?”

“Yeah,” she replied coyly. “A girl could always use a good dance partner.”

I pulled Alexandria closer to me. “Yeah, I don’t dance.”