"Colton," she said, "your food is getting cold."

"I know, but I haven't gotten nearly enough of you."

She shuddered. "Hmm. I'm so tempting that you even forget your food, huh?"

"You’re so tempting that I even forget my damn thoughts, what I'm doing, or what I'm planning."

She straightened her shoulders, looking up at me and licking her lips. I kissed her forehead and then returned to my food.

"Do you want to talk about the email from your brother?" she asked.

I took a mouthful of pork and, after swallowing it, said, "Sure. Why not? Maddox received an email from Father. He’s... asking us for money. Maddox just forwarded it so we’re all aware and can decide what to do."

"Do you often hear from your father?"

"Never. As far as I know, he hasn't been in contact with anyone for years. I’m surprised he reached out now. And also pissed."

She nodded. "So you're mad at your father, not at Maddox."

"I think Maddox reacted well by informing all of us."

"Are you going to do something about it?"

"I have no intention whatsoever of ever seeing or hearing from Father again."

"You got tense in the past few seconds," she said.

"How can you tell?"

She put her hand on my back, pressing between my shoulder blades. "See? Right here."

I could feel that the spot had cramped up. But I completely relaxed when the heat of her palm seeped between my muscles and loosened them.

"Huh. I can feel you relaxing. The wine is helping, isn't it?" she asked.

I turned around, taking her hand, and kissed the back of it. "No, it's you."

She grinned. "You know, normally, a guy sweet-talks a woman to get in her pants. But you were a total grump before and are charming me now. I don’t know what to make of it.”

Neither did I. But talking about other men, in any context, didn’t sit well with me. Not one bit.

“But you do things your own way, huh?” she asked.

“Hell yes.”