At least they haven't talked about us behind our backs.
Paisley leaned in conspiratorially. "And I heard them mention your name. Uncle Travis apparently told them something about Aspen.”
I take it back.
Oh, Travis. I love you, but I’m never going to trust you again.
"We’ll catch up later, Paisley," I told her.
She grinned. "I’ll be around. "
She was worse than Reese and me and Gran put together.
“Besides," she added, "they might be nicer if I stay nearby, you know? At least they’ll be careful with their words.”
"Paisley, I'm good. I want to meet them," Drake said. "It's their prerogative to say whatever is on their mind."
She laughed. "This will be fun.”
It smelled heavenly with the meat grilling and the corn cooking—a lot of deliciousness. Usually, my stomach would somersault, prodding me to dig in. But now I was too nervous. It was churning as we walked toward the grill.
Truth be told, it was a bit chilly for us to eat outside, but the sun was shining, and it was warm near the heaters.
We joined the group by the grill. "Cousins, this is Drake. Drake, meet Tate, Paisley's dad. Tyler, he's our famous hockey player."
"I'm a big fan," Drake said, shaking his hand.
"This is Luke, the oldest. And Declan. He's the lawyer in the family," I went on.
Declan shook his hand a little stronger than necessary, but I was proud that Drake shook it back just as hard.Hell yes. “We're all glad to meet you. Maybe we can catch up after we finish eating."
"Oh, you boys behave," Gran said, coming up from behind us with John in tow. They'd been sitting on a bench at the far end of the garden, and I'd planned to go straight there after I was done with these guys. "Drake, darling, nice to meet you. This is John.”
“How do you do, John?” Drake greeted him.
“I did warn these three to be on their best behavior," Gran continued.
"We are," Tyler pointed out.
"We said nothing," Declan added.
Gran shook her head. "I could see your frowns from across the garden. You don't fool an old hag like me. I know all the tricks in the book." She turned back to us. "Drake, call me Gran or Beatrice."
"Beatrice," Drake said, "Kimberly's told me a lot about you."
Gran flashed an enigmatic smile. "And I've heard aboutyouthrough the grapevine. Still, I don't make a judgment based on gossip. You and I will have plenty of time to chat today."
I'd completely forgotten that Gran always took the cake. I'd never thought about warning her too, and I knew that look. I’d received it every time I'd been up to no good in my teenage years, though Gran always indulged us. Still, she'd been stricter with Reese and me than with the boys. Once, during a typical teenage hissy fit, I'd asked her why, and she gently told me that Lena was strict enough with the boys and she had to provide a balance. But, in my case, she had to play both roles—parent and grandparent.
Paisley caught my eye. She was grimacing, clearly at a loss too.
Declan burst out laughing. "Good for you, Gran, for warning us off." He looked at me. "You know what? Maybe we’ll let her take the lead on this.”
John kissed Gran’s temple, shaking his head as he stepped back.
Just then, the door to the house opened, and Lexi came out, carrying Sophie. My ovaries jumped up and down at the sight.