Page 7 of Tempt Me Forever

Kimberly was sitting at her desk but stood abruptly when she saw me.

Reese turned around, smiling wildly. "Drake, I'm glad to meet you in person. I've already heard so much about you."

She glanced at Kimberly, and I instantly knew Reese was aware of our altercation. I shook her hand.

Kimberly came up to me, too, and her eyes held the same annoyance from the bar. She stretched out her arm, offering her hand for a shake, and I knew this was nothing close to a truce.

"We met last night," she told Travis, "but I was off the clock, so it doesn't count."

Interesting.Maybe that meant she wanted a clean slate. I wasn't sure who needed it most, her or me, but I took it.

"I'm glad to meet you, Reese, and you again, Kimberly."

I shook her hand, holding it a few seconds longer than was polite. She took in a sharp breath, and I couldn't help looking up at her mouth. She was wearing red lipstick today. Last night, her lips hadn’t appeared to have any color on them. They were lush and plump—she didn’t need to cover them with makeup. A good, possessive kiss would bring a natural blush to them.

Christ, I'm losing my mind.

"Did Travis show you around?" Reese asked.

"I was just starting to introduce him when I heard voices in here, but I'm going to take him around the hotel," Travis replied.

He probably had other, more important things to do. "Travis, I appreciate it, but you don't have to do that. I can walk around on my own."

"Nonsense, man. I know this place better than anyone. There's no one better to introduce you than me."

I nodded. "Then I'll accept the opportunity."

Maybe I could get used to working in a smaller company. There were no tours given by the CEO in any of the other chains I'd worked with.

Travis exited the office, and I took one last look at Kimberly before following him out. She pressed her lips together, crossing her arms over her chest.

The friendly facade was just for Travis’s eyes. I couldn’t wait to be alone with her again. Figuring out Kimberly Maxwell wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought.



Iwent back behindmy desk when Travis and Drake left.

"Well, well, well," Reese said. "You haven't told me everything."

"What are you talking about?" I glanced at her. "I gave you a play-by-play of the shitty evening.”

"Yes, but you failed to mention anything about the sparks."

"What sparks?" I asked, bewildered.

My sister grinned, sitting down in the chair opposite me and laying her elbows on the desk with her fingers laced together. "The sparks between you and Drake."

"You're imagining things."

“No, I'm not. Let me see if I got anything wrong. He shook your hand. You reacted to that. He then looked at your mouth in a very obvious way."

I blinked and shimmied in my seat, feeling hot all of a sudden. "Wait, that was all obvious? You think Travis noticed?"

She shook her head. "No, he was too busy selling his skills as a hotel tour guide to pay any attention. And I was already a little biased after your story."

"Biased?" I parroted. “How? I told you he’s an ass."