Chapter Twelve
It's not like you’resleeping with him, Kimberly. They'll put another bed in the living room.
Still, it was too close for comfort. Besides, we'd have to share a bathroom. I’d be on edge the whole trip. How would I even sleep, knowing he was in the room next to me? All that would separate us was a door that probably couldn't even be locked.
A bellboy came up with us, pushing a trolley with the luggage. We were completely silent in the elevator. My body was overwhelmed by Drake's close presence. Was this just as tortuous for him? It was like someone had sucked out all the air, and we weren't even alone inside. The bellboy kept chatting about everything we could do, from using the sauna and pool area to renting our ski equipment and buying lift tickets. I was only half listening.
When the doors opened, he got out first and led us to the room. It was at the end of a corridor, which was to be expected, as that's where suites usually were. He swiped the card, pushing the door open. Fortunately, there were no Valentine’s Day decorations.
"This is our very best suite. You’re extremely lucky to get it, as it usually books up fast. Do you want me to show you around?"
"There's no need," Drake said. "Thank you very much."
"Okay," the boy said instantly, pressing his lips together. Drake tipped him generously before he left.
The second we were alone, the buzz in my body intensified, and adrenaline bubbled up just under my skin. We both stood in the hallway, completely silent. It was semi-dark in here because the windows were around the corner.
"Kimberly.” His voice was ragged, the way it had been in that staircase before he kissed me.
He cleared his throat. "Do you need to change, or do you want us to go right away?" His voice sounded almost normal now, like he'd somehow managed to regain control of himself.
"I'm ready. I don't have to change at all." I’d planned to refresh myself, but how was I going to take a shower with him in the next room? Besides, we were short on time. "I'll just leave my luggage here, and when they find a room for me, I'll be ready to go."
"Kimberly, you’ll stay here, okay? And if they find something, I'll go."
"No, really, it's...." I sighed. "You know what? It doesn't matter. We'll see what happens when and if they find a room."
He smirked. "What? You're missing out on an opportunity to fight me on something? Or are you afraid it might end up with us kissing?”
I licked my lips. He leaned closer. "This might end up with us kissing anyway," he murmured.
I swallowed hard.
"Fuck, you're so adorable when you're rattled."
"I must seem adorable to you twenty-four hours a day, then, because lately, I’m rattled whenever you're near.”
“And I'm enjoying every damn second of it."
He let out a surprised laugh. “This room looks better than in the pictures.”
“I told them not to bother with decorations. Come on, let's go. We don't want to be late."
I took a step back, but I still felt his eyes on me.