“Gran was right. Juneis a great month for a wedding,” I murmured. “Gran, are you sure you don’t need our help?”
“No, no. I’ll be out in a minute.” She was changing behind a curtain and stepped out almost immediately. Her eyes were red.
"Gran!" Reese said, jumping from the chair.
I rose too. My sister and I had been on our feet for hours, walking in killer heels. They looked good, but my feet were already hurting, and I was determined to dance at my grandmother's wedding.
"I teared up. Can you believe it?" Gran asked.
"Don't you worry. I'll fix you up right away," Reese replied. She'd bought a special makeup kit for the occasion. Gran insisted she didn't want anyone but us touching her hair and makeup, and we'd done a great job, if I did say so myself.
"You look stunning," I told her. She'd chosen silver jewelry for the day. She wore big chandelier earrings and a matching pendant. "I've never seen you wear these."
"Your grandfather gave them to me. I couldn't wear them for the longest time. Every time I took them out, I'd get sad. But I felt it was appropriate to wear them today."
Oh sweet Lord. Now guess who's tearing up? Yep. Me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at my sister. She moved stiffly, which meant she was trying to fight tears.
"Of course, Gran. I'm sure Grandpa is looking down and is happy for you," she said.
"I think so too. I'm sure he'd berate me for spending so much time alone, but if I hadn't, then I wouldn't have met John."
"That's right," Reese agreed. "We're so happy for you. By the way, Dad arrived a while ago. He's actually right outside the door, waiting to talk to you."
"Oh, let him in."
I immediately went to the door of the suite, opening it.
Dad came inside with his new wife, Lara, who was carrying our baby sister. Well, she wasn't a baby anymore. She was a toddler and could have been my daughter, really, because she liked cookies as much as I did. Hence why I'd nicknamed her Cookie.
Almost automatically, I stretched out my hands. Lara smiled, depositing Cookie in my arms.
"You're very good with her," she said.
I immediately kissed her head. "Do you remember your sister Kimberly? You were so tiny the last time I saw you." That was one part of the problem with Dad living so far away in London. It wasn't just that we didn't see him often, but I didn't get to see this lovely girl either.
"Mom, you look great," he said.
"I'm happy you think so. Did you have a nice flight?"
"Yes. We’re jet-lagged but still plan to dance a lot," Lara said. "As long as our baby girl will let us."
"Don't worry, Kimberly and I can keep an eye on her," Reese offered.
"I've had a long chat with your future husband as well," Dad said to Gran.
She rolled her eyes. "Tell me you didn't scare him off. Being left at the altar at my age wouldn't bode well. Who would marry me?"
Dad chuckled. "I like him. I invited both of you to London. Not that you need an invitation, but I thought he might feel more at ease if it came directly from me."
She smiled. "Thank you."
"Now, come on," Lara said. "Everyone's impatiently waiting outside. Wouldn't want your groom to say you have cold feet."