Page 114 of Tempt Me Forever

She typed out her message to Declan, then put the phone on the counter, staring at it.

“Come on, I'll cook you something," I said. "That way you won't stare at it the whole time.”

“No, I’m fine, really. Go get your girl.”

“I'm making you something to eat first,” I insisted. “Besides, I need to think about my next steps.”

Suze smiled. “I love that about you.”


“That you don't do things in a rash manner. I used to think that you were too careful, but now, after a few years, I realize that's the way to be.”

“I like to be in control in any situation.”

“Drake, that's not always possible. Haven't you learned that by now?”

Apparently not.

It was disconcerting.

I made pan-seared chicken and veggies for Suze, but my mind was on Kimberly the whole time. Our conversation from Aspen about her family came back to me, and I realized my sister was probably right. And yet I still didn't have a clear image of what to do next.

“Declan replied,” Suze exclaimed. Her voice was uneven. She turned the phone to me.

Declan: We've got him. I'm on top of this. You have nothing to worry about.

She lowered the phone, tears filling her eyes.

“Why are you crying?” I asked, finally removing the pan from the heat. I'd stared at the phone far too long, and now we were going to eat dry chicken.

“Because I'm relieved and happy.”

Women's minds were always going to confound me. I would have thought she’d start to dance around, something Suze did when she was happy. But I was starting to accept that some things would never cease to surprise me.

“I’d drink this whole glass, but I want to check on Michael periodically in the night.” She took a sip, then poured the rest down the sink.

“I’ll stay here and help you keep an eye on him too.”

She pouted. “No.”

“Don't argue with me.”

She pressed her lips together, taking the plate I'd prepared for her. “You're offering because you still don't have a plan for Kimberly, aren't you?”

“It's true that I don't have a plan, but that's not why I'm offering.”

She laughed. “Oh, brother, you're one of a kind. But you’re not babysitting me tonight. You need to get your woman back.”