Page 112 of Tempt Me Forever

Chapter Twenty-Nine



Iknocked at the doorof the nursery. Suze’s friend assured us Michael seemed perfectly fine. After she left, Suze said she wanted a few minutes alone with Michael, and I'd let her be.

There was no answer, so I didn't knock again. To my surprise, she came out a few moments later, motioning with her head to go to the living room. She’d strapped Michael to herself. He was alert, blinking rapidly.

“Where are Kimberly and Declan?” she asked.

“They left right before the doctor came in.”

“Did I scare them away? God, I was such a mess. I still am, to be honest.”

“Come on. I'll make you tea or something.”

She smiled sheepishly. “I've actually progressed to wine. Breastfeeding didn't work at all, so I threw in the towel.”

“Where do you keep it?”

“Above the fridge.”

I took out a bottle, uncorked it, then poured two glasses. Suze immediately took a sip.

“Damn, this is good to calm the nerves. Did Declan say anything?”

“He says he'll be in touch. He's prepping for every scenario.”

“I like him. He was very sure of himself and very calm, and we needed that. I can't lose my son, Drake.”

“You won't.” I grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly. “Don't even think about it.”

“But I can't stop myself.” She shook her head. “Enough of that. I just can't believe I was so naive. I truly thought something magical would happen if Lawrence saw his son. That he’d realize he belongs here with us.”

“You still care about him?” The thought made me sick.

“We were married for ten years, Drake. I can't just turn my feelings off, no matter how much he hurt me. I know it's silly.”

“It's not. I think it's human.” I just hated it. My sister deserved someone so much better.

“I hope Kimberly isn't blaming herself. These things can happen to anyone.”