The rest of the gang arrived just as we put food on the table. Travis was holding Rose, and Bonnie stood next to them, trying to put a sock on Rose's foot. She'd somehow kicked it away along with her shoe. Sam and Avery were right behind them.
"Cousin, I was waiting for you," I said, going to Travis.
"Miss me already?" he asked.
"No. I just wanted to chastise you for having a big mouth, but you're forgiven because you brought Rose."
"There you go, baby girl," Bonnie said, strapping the shoe on her as well.
"How are you doing, Bonnie?" I asked.
"Oh, I'm good. Running around all the time. Starting my own business is a bit stressful."
"But I keep spoiling her," Travis said.
I nodded. "Good for you."
Bonnie bit her lower lip. "I have second thoughts, to be honest, because... well, I spent all that time training to work in a vet clinic. But I do love the idea of spending time with animals without seeing them sick."
She worked in a prestigious vet clinic, but she’d always hinted that she’d like to open a dog grooming business. She’d only realized a few years into her job that seeing the animals suffer was taking a toll on her.
"Babe, just follow your instinct," Travis said. "I support you no matter what."
The fight went out of me. How could I chastise Travis for spilling the beans to the guys when he said things like that?
He’s a good guy, Kimberly. And he loves you. He just likes to run his mouth.
Bonnie smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Thanks."
"I can give you a few tips about being your own boss," Avery said.
Sam kept an arm around her shoulders, but he briefly took a step to the side as Drake joined us.
"Drake, this is Sam," I said. "He's the family's doctor."
Drake shook his hand. "I'm glad to meet you, Sam."
"I've heard a lot about you from Travis," Sam said.
I stared at Travis. He had the audacity to wiggle his eyebrows before kissing Rose's hand.
"Anytime you want to hear about me, I'm happy to talk," Drake replied.
Oh, he's good.
Sam chuckled. "I like you, Drake."
I looked at Sam closely and could tell he was a bit tired. He had his hands full running his own clinic, and I was proud of him for following his heart.
“Come on, everyone, we're starving," Luke said from the table. He was sitting next to his parents. He was the only one who showed up without his better half today. Megan was away at a client's site. She worked with Luke at the architecture firm, and she was brilliant.
"Yeah, let's not make Luke hangry," Sam said. "That's the only time he loses his laid-back attitude."
That was 100 percent true. My cousin had a second personality when he was hungry.
As we headed to the table, Avery and Bonnie were talking about the pros and cons of being their own boss.
"By the way," I told Avery, "Sam mentioned something about a department store wanting to work with you."