Page 72 of Tempt Me Forever

Chapter Twenty


"Look at the snow. It'sso pretty," Kimberly said. "When did it start snowing?"

"When I was cooking."

"This would be a perfect night for sledding, with the moon full and everything." She looked up at the sky, absolutely besotted.

"Then let's go," I said.

"What? Are you serious?"

"Why the hell not?"

"Because you’re wearing a suit, and we have no toboggans."

I smiled at her, coming closer, tipping her chin up, and brushing her lower lip with my mouth. "Everything can be solved with a trip to Target."

She stepped back. "Are you serious? Please don't get my hopes up. Tell me if you're joking."

"I'm not kidding at all."

She grinned. "I'm giddy with excitement, just so you know."

"Good. That's exactly what I was hoping for. Let's get in the car."

"By the way, were you dating someone before you moved here? I’ve meant to ask for a while."

That came out of the blue, but it was time for that conversation. After all, she’d opened up about her past.

"I was, actually. We'd been going out for a few months, and then my sister's troubles started. And when I told my ex I wanted to move here, she broke up with me. Said she didn't need any headaches with a needy family."

Kimberly gasped. "That's awful."

"Better to find out sooner rather than later."

"Was it serious?"

"No. We had barely gotten to know each other, but it left a sour taste in my mouth."

"Explains why you had a stick up your ass the first evening I met you." "I'll show you a stick up my ass."

“Oh really? How are you going to do that?"