He seemed to dominate the space around him. I swallowed hard, already feeling on edge.
He stepped closer. "I've been fighting myself all morning not to come into your office." He'd lowered his voice.
"Why?" I whispered.
“Because I knew I couldn't keep myself from doing this.”
He pinned me against the door, kissing me. Oh God, how he kissed me. My knees instantly weakened, my nipples hardening against his chest. He smelled like aftershave, and his five-o'clock shadow was gone. His cheek was smooth, and I couldn't stop touching him. I wanted to take off his clothes.
"Drake," I said, stepping to one side. He stayed put, leaning his forehead against the door, taking in a deep breath.
"Fuck, I have no control around you." He moved back, snapping his head up. "What can I do for you, Kimberly?"
I cleared my throat, pushing a hand through my hair. "We haven't discussed how to do this. How to work together and—”
“Not rip the clothes off each other every time we're in the same room?"
“I don't know, Kimberly. My mind's so full of you that I can barely think straight.” He came next to me again, touching my neck with the back of his fingers. My skin broke out in goose bumps. “But I was going to suggest that we discuss it tonight on our date.”
The corners of my lips lifted. "We're going out, and I didn't know about it?"
"You said you were free tonight."
"Yeah, but I thought you were asking just in case we need to work overtime tonight in order to clear our schedules for tomorrow when Reese and Travis are back." I remembered Drake very randomly asking the question Sunday morning.
"Go out with me, Kimberly."
"You didn't check your emails, did you?"
"I opened the one from Reese but didn’t look at the rest.”
A knock at the door startled us both. I jumped to one side, and Drake opened the door smoothly. My assistant, Teresa, was standing there.
"Oh, Kimberly, I thought I saw you come in." She looked frightened. "I'm truly so sorry about the mix-up in Aspen. I'm not sure how that happened. It never occurred to me to check the year. I mean, who on earth has booking already opened for next year?"
"Many hotels, actually," I said in a stern voice. I didn’t want her to feel bad, but this couldn’t happen again. "Please check from now on."
"I certainly will. Drake, I got in touch with that beverage supplier you asked me to, and I've got some updates. Are you free?"
"Yes, he is," I said.
Drake nodded at me. "Kimberly, let me know about that email."
Am I blushing? It feels like I'm blushing.
I cleared my throat, nodding in what I hoped was a professional manner. I walked slowly and composed right until I reached my office; then, despite my open-door policy, I closed it and raced to my desk, immediately clicking on my email. He'd sent me a calendar invite.
Oh my God.I couldn't decide if this was hilarious or romantic. Maybe a bit of both.
Subject: Meeting this evening.
Where: The Signature Room
Pickup time: 6:30 p.m. at the office.