Page 60 of Tempt Me Forever

"Like I said, he was born prematurely. My sister went into laborweeksbefore she was due, after her ex told her he wanted a divorce."

My whole body shook. I couldn't believe anyone would tell his pregnant wife he wanted a divorce. I'd punch that dude myself and then ask all my cousins to take a swing too.

"How is your sister handling it?"

"She's very stubborn. I barely convinced her to ask a nanny to come every other night so she can rest a bit more. She's afraid of leaving the baby with a stranger."

"That's understandable," I said. "If I had a baby, I'd probably keep it strapped to me 24-7. You should see me with my cousins’ kids. My family basically has to barter with me for time with them. Even the parents."

I gave him back the phone, then turned to my pancakes, eating them at lightning speed. "I didn't even know I was hungry."

He ate slowly, chuckling. "Neither did I."

I sipped my coffee while Drake finished his pancakes, and then I turned to him. "Would it help if I spoke to your sister?"

He put his fork and knife down, turning sideways to me. "Regarding what?"

"I don't know. Life, kids, and nieces and nephews. I don’t technically have nieces, but I consider my cousins like my brothers, so I see myself as their aunt. And I’ve seen the toll it takes to raise a kid. And it’s even harder for your sister. Maybe try to convince her that getting help isn't such a bad thing."

"You would do that? Why?"

I shrugged. "Why not? I think sometimes we get into this rut, especially when we're desperate. Maybe she's feeling guilty that the little one doesn't have a dad in his life and thinks she should do everything by herself."

"Thanks, Kimberly. I do think it would help."

"Okay, then I'll do that."

"You're done with your coffee?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes. Why?"

"Because I've been dying to do this since you woke up."

Before I realized what was happening, he pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him on the couch. Grinning, I arranged my robe so my lady bits were on display, and then I pushed his robe apart as well. I had skin-on-skin contact with his cock.

I groaned, dropping my head back. "Oh yeah, this is how every morning should start."

I felt him tense, his fingers pushing into my skin.

Crap, Kimberly. Way to scare him away.

"I didn't mean...." I sighed. "I'm not even sure what I meant."

"Kimberly, I know you've had a shitty experience by getting involved with someone you worked with before."

I held up a finger. "Shitty doesn't begin to cover it. It was a disaster. I screwed things up so bad." Biting my lip, I decided to lay out my fears. "I don't want to screw things up again. The hotel is really important to Travis and to all of us. I don't want things to go down the drain because of me. What if things get so bad between us that you decide to go, and there is no general manager?"

His jaw ticked. "Already seeing the end, huh?"

"No." I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "I'm just trying to foresee what might happen in a worst-case scenario because I've already been through one. It wasn't pretty."

"Kimberly, I like you." He cupped my face, putting his fingers on my cheek and his thumb under my jaw, the way he seemed to do every time he wanted me to take him seriously. "I'm not an asshole. All I want is for you to stop focusing on bleak scenarios."

I loved how he effortlessly put me at ease. He didn't brush off my fears but rationalized them, and he was right. He was bringing out a different side of me. The one who didn't always search for a distant "bleak scenario," as he called it.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Promise." His eyes searched mine, and I melted.