I beamed. "I'm not made out of sugar, you know? I can carry my own luggage. You should see Parisian buildings. Some of them are too old for elevators."
"But you’re not in Paris. You're in Aspen with me."
Without further ado, he grabbed my bag and gestured for me to walk up the stairs while the cab waited outside for him. I went straight to the reception desk with Drake next to me. "Hi, I have a reservation. Kimberly Maxwell. Actually, I think it's under Maxwell Hotels."
"Of course."
While the receptionist clicked on her computer, I peeked around at the hotel. I was happy I'd chosen this one. And Drake had taken one for the team and decided to sleep in the one with the Valentine’s Day decorations.
The receptionist frowned.
"Is there a problem?" I asked.
She looked up at me, giving me an uneasy smile. "Um, I found a reservation."
"Good. For a second, I thought maybe my assistant made a mistake."
"But it's for next year on Valentine's Day."
I blinked several times. "No. That can't be."
"Yeah, it is."
"That's impossible. My assistant said you only had this one room available."
"We’re booked up for next year too. Valentine's Day is a very sought-after weekend, so typically people plan it a long time in advance."
I couldn't believe it. "Can you find me anything at all? I don't care how big or small."
She gave me an apologetic smile. "I'm truly sorry, but we're completely booked."
I drew another deep breath as Drake came up next to me. "We're here on business. We need a solution."
"I'm afraid I can't help you. Did you two have a room together? It says here it's just for one person."
"No, I'm staying at another hotel," Drake said.
"Maybe they can help you."
I looked at Drake. "Now I'm stressing out that maybe my assistant also booked you for next year. Come on. Let's go see if they have something for me."
I was furious but trying not to show it. I was going to give my assistant a piece of my mind. But it was the weekend, so I had to wait. Besides, that wouldn't help with anything.
Drake scooped up my luggage again, and we went down the stairs. When we approached the car, he put a hand on my lower back.
"Kimberly, we'll figure something out."
"I just don't like being put in a situation like this." I tried to ignore the heat radiating from his touch. "I just can't see how they'll find a spot for us."
He leaned in, looking at my mouth. "Worst-case, we'll share my room. I can take the couch or the floor and leave you the bed."
A shudder went through me, followed by a hot flash and another cold shiver.
"You've already imagined all this," I replied in a whisper.
"Fuck no, I'd imagined something completely different, but this is the gentlemanly version of it." Drake flashed me a wicked smile.
He opened the car door for me, and I slipped inside.