My heart fluttered, and so did my stomach.Did he mean that in a professional way?I stared at the words, pressing my lips together. No, there was no way to put a professional spin on this one.
Kimberly: You say that now. Just a word of warning, I'm extremely grumpy when I have to wake up at five o'clock after I've only slept five hours. I can’t even drink coffee that early.
Drake: I'll take care of you. Now go to sleep.
He'll take care of me?Oh man, those flutters intensified. What did he mean by that?
I sighed in exasperation. There was no way to ask without sounding needy.
Kimberly: Good night, Drake.
I put the phone back on the nightstand and stared at the ceiling. My pulse was racing; my heart was in my throat. I couldn't fall asleep. Right before I decided to put my sleeping meditation music on, I got out of bed and packed some of my most seductive lingerie.
Chapter Eleven
The next morning, Ifelt like someone had cracked open my head with a sledgehammer. I'd never had such a headache in my life.
Drake had insisted on picking me up from home, but it felt cruel to make him get up earlier just so we could share an Uber.
My phone pinged as the car approached the terminal. It was from Drake.
Drake: I'm waiting for you in the drop-off section C.
"Can we please go to the drop-off section C?" I told the driver.
"Of course."
I was so exhausted that I didn't even feel the usual butterflies in my stomach when Drake texted me, but that was good. It would make this trip easier, or at least it would make the first part easier.
A few seconds later, I realized I was completely wrong. I noticed Drake standing with his carry-on next to him and two coffee cups just in front of the main door. Just like that, my whole body seemed to wake up. Oh yeah, those were flutters in my belly. And my pulse was racing. I felt a jolt of adrenaline as if I'd already drunk a cup of coffee.
As soon as my car stopped, Drake walked toward us.
“Have a great weekend,” I told the driver before getting out. My assistant had already prepaid for the ride.