"All?" I exclaimed. My bed was full of clothes. I had approximately three times as many outfits as I needed for a single weekend.
“I don't see any sexy heels or a knockout dress.”
I picked up a sweater, folding it carefully. “I don't need any of that. We're going there for work.”
“In the evening, you might need to go to dinner somewhere.”
“I'm sure we can find someplace down-to-earth in a ski resort.”
“It never hurts to have an outfit on hand, does it? And I know just the one you should take with you.” Getting up from the bed, she went straight to my dresser, opening it.
I smiled, shaking my head. We'd played this game our whole lives. When one of us went on a vacation or anything that involved packing, the other one dropped by the night before and helped. When I used to commute between Paris and Chicago, we made a whole event out of it, mostly because I wanted to spend as much time with my sister as possible. I really missed my family while living over there.
I loved having her here at the house, as it was far too big for me. It was a brownstone in Lincoln Park. I’d mostly chosen it because it was close to the hotel and Tate, so I could visit my nieces spontaneously. The interior of the house was modern—the first and second floors were open spaces connected by a metal staircase, and I had a huge window in the bedroom overlooking the living room. I loved it.
"This is the one,” Reese claimed, taking out my pièce de résistance. It was a dark green dress with a generous V-cut that was snug on my body.
“Reese, that's one of the cocktail dresses I use when I want to impress. Who would I want to impress there?”
“The hot and amazing kisser?”
I’d shared that with Reese, of course. How could I not?
My face itched, and I was pretty sure I was starting to blush. “I’m not trying to impress him, not at all. In fact, we’re trying very hard to put what happened past us.”
“Really?” She batted her eyelashes in an exaggerated manner, bending to the floor and picking up a pair of shoes. “Oh yeah. Killer heels. Simple, black, classic, timeless.”
“It’s snowing in Aspen.”
“Yeah, but you’ll be Ubering around from the hotel to the restaurant. Picture this: What if some cutie—not Drake—catches your eye, and you would like to impresshim? But you don't have anything to wear.”
“I doubt there will be too many single cuties in Aspen on Valentine's Day, but I can see where you're going with this. Your theory has merit.”
“Yes, I knew it.”
I always took a great outfit with me, no matter where I went. Why would I go against the grain this time simply because I was traveling with Drake? We hadn't even made any plans to have dinner together.
Come to think of it, I could takemyselfout to dinner.
"So, what are you doing tomorrow night?" I asked Reese.
"I have a ticket to see a play."
I stopped in the act of folding a pair of jeans. "Those are the plans you couldn’t cancel?”
Reese blinked rapidly, pressing her lips together.
"Reese," I insisted.
She put her hands on her hips. "Okay, don't shoot me.”
My eyes widened. "You made it all up. You don't have any plans."
"Well, I made plans immediately after getting out of that meeting room. Does that count?"
"I don't understand. Why would you do that?" I asked.
“I thought you and Drake might enjoy a weekend together."