"I'm going." I sprinted up the stairs. My palms were burning, as were my lips.
I was breathing hard by the time I reached the showers. Stepping inside to clean off the sweat, I soaped up, drinking in the smell of mint. It calmed my senses, which had been on hyperalert. My entire body was still vibrating, and I knew I wouldn't forget that kiss or all the things he said to me. But I had to pull myself together. Travis had asked for a general meeting, and I didn't want to be out of sorts.
Damn it, Kimberly, this is exactly what you swore to yourself you wouldn't do again. The workplace is not the place for romance, no matter what your novels might tell you.
I'd made a mess of things last time, and I didn't want to repeat my mistake. This was my family's business, and I didn't want to let anyone down. I wanted to be as professional as could be.
After the shower, I changed into one of the dresses I had and quickly blow-dried my hair. On the way to my office, I couldn't help but keep an eye out for Drake. This was why I didn't want to get involved with someone at work—I didn't want to feel like I was doing something wrong all the time.
I didn't bother taking my laptop, only grabbed a notepad. During meetings, I preferred to take notes by hand. I didn't like having my laptop in front of me.
I was the last one to arrive except for Travis, who came in right after me. I sat down next to Drake, since the only other free seat was the one Travis usually took.
"Okay, everyone, good morning. Thanks for coming in so early. I want us to go over our goals for this quarter," Travis began.
I was acutely aware of Drake sitting next to me. I smelled his aftershave, and I still remembered how his lips felt on mine. I had trouble focusing as Travis led us through the agenda.
Oh, come on, Kimberly. You can do better than this. You have to.
To no avail. One hour later, I only had a few notes.
Reese looked at me from across the table with a stunned expression. I didn't blame her. I usually had pages of notes.
Luckily, I knew Travis had automated software recording and transcribing the meetings, so I could look over that later. I remembered actively contributing to this meeting, but for the life of me, I couldn't recall what I’d said.
As everyone filtered out of the room, I hurried to my office.
"Kimberly," Drake called from behind me. Taking a deep breath, I turned around. We were alone in the corridor.
"Hmm?" I asked noncommittally.
"What did you think about the meeting?" he asked.
"The... oh, right."
"Had trouble focusing?" The corner of his mouth lifted up.
I put my hands on my hips. "Drake!"
"I wasn't about to mock you. I wanted to confess that I had even more trouble than you.”
"Drake," Travis said, coming up to us. I took a step back, smoothing my hands on my dress. "I forgot to ask you something about Aspen. Do you have a few minutes?"
"Sure," he replied, still looking at me. "I was going to my office. Not going to keep you any longer, Kimberly." In a lower voice, he added, "Good luck with your focus for the rest of the day. I know mine is shot to hell."
For the next few days, Drake and I tiptoed around each other. I was running into him everywhere: in the corridors, the staircase, the elevator, and the meeting room. I had second thoughts about going to Aspen with him. But then again, I suspected that the only way to go back to how things were was to get out of my comfort zone and actually work with him, not just spend my day trying to avoid him.
On Friday afternoon, Reese and I were in the coffee corner, enjoying decaf espressos. Sometime after hitting thirty, I realized that drinking regular coffee in the afternoon meant I wouldn't be able to sleep, so my afternoon treat had to be free of most caffeine.
"Looking forward to the trip?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I’d told her about the kiss, but assured her nothing else would happen.
"Yes, but I still have to pack. Want to come to my place, help me brainstorm?" I asked.
She nodded eagerly. We loved doing that. Neither of us needed help, but it was as good an excuse as any to get together.