I scoffed. "No. It can't be someone I work with."
"Bummer. He's nice. Stopped in here a couple of times during rush hour to help out."
"I didn't know that.” That was exceptionally nice of Jonathan, but also poor planning on our part. That wasn't in his job description.
Thomas shrugged as he went into the back room once again.
I turned to Drake, who was unnaturally still. I licked my lower lip.
"Is that a hard line for you?" he asked.
I was confused. "What?"
"Dating someone from work."
"Yes," I said decisively.
Oh my God.The thrum from before intensified.
"You know why."
He wanted to ask me on a date. That just didn't seem possible.
And it isn't, Kimberly. This is a hard line for you, and you just told him that.But the way he looked at me made me want to throw caution to the wind.
“That's a good rule to have,” he muttered in a voice so low that I almost didn't hear him. He slid off his chair, brushing my right hip in the process. Heat instantly pooled between my thighs. I sucked in my belly and drew in my breath. I was being ridiculous.
"Sorry. You okay?" he asked, putting a hand on the small of my back.
I was burning for this man.
I cleared my throat. "Yep. All good."
He dropped his hand immediately, and I sucked in another breath.
Iwantedhis touch. How could that be?
"See you around, Kimberly.”
“Not today, you won’t. I’m caught up in calls all day. I can’t even stretch my legs for lunch.”
He winked. “I’m in some of those calls too.”
We had back-to-back calls with the producers of all the bath and body products we used in the hotel. It was going to be a doozy.
I spent half an hour finalizing the inventory before returning to my office. The day was brutal. At lunch, I only had time for a quick trip to the restroom.
When I came back, I caught my assistant putting a tray on my desk.
"What's that?" I asked.
"It's a chicken club sandwich."
"You went for one?”
“No. Drake put the package on my desk. Said it’s for you.”
What?I was speechless, watching her leave. He’d been in all the calls—no, wait. He’d left fifteen minutes earlier during the last one.