Page 119 of Tempt Me Forever

"Oh! You're serious."

"Damn right I am."

"Fine. I’m so happy we came here to check everything out."

"So am I," Drake said.

"Still want us to go back to the hotel?"

He glanced around. Was it my imagination, or did he seem a bit nervous?

"Not yet."

"Oh, still have plans around here?"

"Yes, and they don't involve trespassing."

"You're no fun."

"Yes, I am."

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Prove it."

He cleared his throat. "Damn, I love you, woman."

Oh, that was unexpected. Flutters filled my belly, and I smiled from ear to ear. I'd never get tired of hearing him say it. It always filled me with joy and a bone-deep sensation of happiness. I had no idea it was possible to feel like this.

He kissed the side of my head, lowering his mouth to my ear. "I love you, Kimberly."

I shuddered in his arms. I loved that he said those words so often and completely unrestrained.

He came closer, kissing my forehead this time. I inhaled his scent, melting against him. I was sure I’d love him for as long as I lived. The past few months felt like something out of a dream.

Drake kissed my forehead again and then stepped back. He tilted my chin upward, brushing his lips against mine. His body language was strange, and I couldn't tell why.

I took a bigger step back, as he reached inside his pocket. Oh, he wanted to take a selfie.

No, Mother of God, that's not his phone.

He took out a ring box and kneeled in front of me right here on the massive construction site.

"Kimberly, I've thought very hard over the past months where to do this, where to ask you to tie your life to mine forever, and I thought this place in Aspen was the most appropriate."

"Drake," I whispered.

"Aspen brought us together. There will never be a day when I don't consider myself extremely lucky to meet you considering all the things it took for us to get together."

I laughed, even though my throat felt raspy. "First time we met face-to-face, you crashed my date.”

“A story to tell our grandkids." He chuckled. "Then we came to Aspen and stayed in that suite together. I was so thankful there were no other rooms."

"We truly made fate work for it, huh?" I asked.

"We did, but I fell madly in love with you. I wouldn't have it any other way. You own my thoughts, my heart. I want to be yours forever. Will you be mine?"

"Of course I will. God, there's nothing more than I want than to be yours forever, Drake."

He put the ring on my finger, and I sighed. Oh, this was a ring after my own heart. The stone was pink, and there was nothing subtle about it. I grinned from ear to ear.