Chapter Thirty
It was very late whenI left Suze’s house. I took in a deep breath. The air was cold, but it was just what I needed.
I checked the time.Damn it!It was past midnight, but I couldn’t wait until tomorrow. I'd waited long enough, and I needed to see Kimberly. To be by her side to let her know I cared about her. That I was her man and wouldn’t let anything come between us.
And I’d definitely not let her do anything rash just because she might be scared or thought it might help or both.
I arrived at her place a short while later. There were quite a few people on the street and only a handful of lights on in the houses.
I went to her front door but didn’t ring the bell. What was I going to do if she was asleep? Startle her awake?
I took my phone out, messaging her.
Drake: Are you awake? I’m at your front door.
I stared at the screen, waiting for a reply, but a few seconds later, I heard footsteps on her staircase. Then she opened the door. The hallway behind her was dimly lit. She was wearing a thick white robe.
"Drake, what happened? Is everything okay? Michael?”
“He’s fine. Can I come inside? I wanted to talk to you, to clear the air."
"Oh. Sure. Come in," she murmured.
I stepped past her, and she closed the door.
"Listen, about earlier...." She put both hands at the sides of her head before shaking it. "I'm not sure what got into me. I mean, I'm usually a very positive person, but I had this panic flaring up inside me, thinking what might happen if the worst came to fruition. I didn't mean that, okay? It's just... I don't know. I think some fears run very deep. And growing up without a mom left scars. I'm sorry."
"Babe, you don't have to apologize for your fears or your past. I love all of them. I love everything that makes you who you are." I stepped closer, pushing her backward toward the staircase until we reached the banister. "I love everything about you, Kimberly. And I lost my cool back there because it was so unexpected, but I'll be better prepared next time. We'll help fight each other’s demons. And when things get tough, we face them together, understood?"
She nodded eagerly.
"There is you and me separately, Kimberly, but we're stronger together." Was I making sense?
"I know," she murmured.
Good. I wanted her to know I wasn’t letting her go anywhere.
"If anyone who wants to make our life hard, we'll fight them together. Even when our own fears are trying to get the better of us, we'll still come out on top, I promise you. Just let me be at your side through all of it, babe."
"I will. I want you there. God, I do." She smiled widely. "This is so romantic."
"You showing up at my doorstep in the middle of the night like you couldn't wait even a few more hours to see me."