Page 94 of Stolen Faith

“What are you doing?” Jonah demanded, watching Brennon disappear into the bathroom.

Devon looked at Juliette, silently asking if she wanted him to answer. That had been the plan, to keep them focused on Devon, to make it seem like he was in charge.

But Juliette was done. She was just. Fucking. Done.

She stepped forward, head held high. “Both Izabel and I were tortured by Barry. I’d say it was for information, but he also enjoyed it. Not ideal for a son-in-law, if you ask me.”

Jonah’s face was grim, but he didn’t say anything. TiffaniGrace was babbling something about sinners, but everyone ignored her.

“Now we need information. We were going to ask Barry but, well…” Juliette shrugged. “I’m sure your daughter knows the answers too, so we’ll ask her.”

The reverend scowled. “You won’t touch her.”

“We will,” Juliette assured him mildly. “But I’ll tell you what, we won’t do anything to her that he didn’t do to us. Eye for an eye, that’s your style, right?”

Brennon emerged from the bathroom. “Tub’s ready.”

“Izabel, would you like to supervise her torture?” Juliette asked, brow raised. She turned to face the other woman, back to Jonah and TiffaniGrace, then mouthed, “Just play along, I won’t make you do this.”

Izabel’s expression was cold. “I have no problem dunking this dumb bitch.”

Ooookay, then.

Juliette turned back, raising her voice. “Very well. Izabel, you’re in charge of the torture. I suggest you do to her exactly what was done to you.”

“Don’t touch my daughter!” Jonah moved in front of TiffaniGrace.

“Get her,” Juliette commanded.

Rowan and Devon started forward. She almost called Devon back. If they fought and he got hit in his injured chest…

“The Lord will protect me!” TiffaniGrace hid behind her father.

“I’ll join your church and give you all my money if the Lord magically stops us from holding your head under the water.” It was an unexpectedly long speech from Rowan, his voice quiet and sure.

Devon and Rowan advanced slowly as the reverend and TiffaniGrace backed up.

Izabel took a deep breath and stepped forward. “I don’t like you, but I’m going to ask you, even beg you, to tell us what we need to know. You don’t want to go through what I did.”

TiffaniGrace ignored her.

Izabel’s hands were fists at her side. “Your head goes underwater again and again, and after the third time, you’re willing to do anything to make us…me…stop. You’ll feel like you can’t breathe, even when your head isn’t underwater. Your body will start to panic, and you won’t be able to think.”

The room was still and silent as everyone listened to her. Brennon had a hand on her shoulder, and Rowan’s shoulders twitched as if he wanted to turn around, even as he kept inching closer to Jonah and his daughter.

“You’ll realize no matter how strong your faith, how sure your convictions, you have no control. You can’t stop me from forcing your head under that water. You’ll break, and you’ll tell us everything we want to know.”

Fat tears rolled down TiffaniGrace’s cheeks. If Juliette was a better person, she’d feel bad about that. But TiffaniGrace deserved to suffer. However, Juliette’s heart was breaking for Izabel, whose words shook with remembered terror.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Jonah said, but it was almost a question.

Izabel squared her shoulders, the pain-laced compassion melting away from her face. “I would. I will.”

Chapter Nineteen

Rowan passed Devon the gun. He trained it on Jonah’s lower body and was carefully far enough back that if Jonah lunged, he wouldn’t be able to grab Devon. “Come on, TiffaniGrace, or we shoot your father in the leg. Won’t kill him, but it will hurt.”

Jonah’s eyes were wide and focused on the gun.