Page 20 of Hate Like Honey

Ryan’s reply is reluctant. “Angelo paid him to keep his mouth shut.”

Mom makes a sound of distress before pursing her lips as if to prevent more sounds from escaping. My heart breaks for her.

“What if he decides to talk?” Mattie exclaims.

Ryan meets her gaze with a calm that belies the situation. “Angelo also paid him to switch off the alarm. That makes him an accomplice. He’s not going to talk, but I’m keeping an eye on him.”

“Did he tell you this?” Mom asks with flaring nostrils. “That devil of a man himself?”

“Yes,” Ryan says levelly.

“You’re covering up for Angelo?” The realization leaves me breathless. “Are we going to turn into killers now too?”

Ryan’s tone is soothing. “No, but you know what’s at stake.”

Wait. What am I saying? We’re already killers. We pay criminals like Angelo toclear the way, and we put illegal arms in people’s hands.

“Dear God,” Mom says, looking away.

Mattie rubs her back. “We’ll get through this. Dad did what he did, however wrong that was, but our name isn’t Edwards for nothing.”

“There’s a lot to manage in the next few days.” Ryan sounds tired. “I’ll cover the finances and make sure the bills are paid. Can you handle the funeral arrangements?”

“Yes,” Mattie and my mom say in unison.

It’s all so business-like, as if we’re discussing a takeover in the boardroom instead of my dad’s murder.

“What about his life insurance?” Mom asks.

“If the cause of death is certified as suicide, they won’t pay out,” Jared says.

“Don’t worry about money.” Ryan leaves his empty glass on the side table. “You’ll be set up for life.”

Mom dabs at her eyes with a tissue. “Money is the least of my worries.”

“It’s tough to think about the bills in the midst of grief,” Jared says, “but you should. You don’t want to find yourself in a dire financial situation when the funeral is over.”

Mattie glares at him. “Thank you for that piece of solid advice. Maybe you should just keep the comments to yourself.”

Jared’s shoulders sag. “I was only trying to help.”

“No one has to worry about our financial situation.” Ryan shoves a hand in his pocket. “I’ll take care of the money.”

I get to my feet. “I’m going to look for Pirate.” I need a cuddle like never before. “You did bring him, didn’t you Mattie?”

Mattie shoots Jared a panicked look. Ryan’s expression is strangely sympathetic.

“What?” My stomach contracts into a ball. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Bella, honey.” Mattie cups her stomach. “I’m afraid something happened.”

“What?” I say again, my heart tripping over its own beat.

“He got away,” my sister says. “Jared tried to stop him, but he ran over the road and…” She bites her lip. “I’m sorry.”

I don’t believe it. This can’t be happening. Is the universe punishing me for something? What did I do? Is it because Angelo manipulated my mom into letting me keep the cat?

Tears build behind my eyes. Pirate was my first and only pet. Sometimes, it felt as if he was the only one who accepted me unconditionally.