Page 88 of The Best Laid Plans

The reason she never drank much coffee in the morning was because she got jittery if she had too much caffeine.

And the quickest way for me to get her to cave was to talk dirty.

“Charlotte,” I said quietly, my hands tangling into the ends of her hair.

Her chewing slowed. “What?”

“I don’t think you’re worried about my germs.”

“Why would you say that?”

I leaned in, gratified by the instant intake of breath that had her braless chest heaving underneath her Tigers tank top. “Because less than twenty-four hours ago, I had my tongue between your legs, and you didn’t seem too concerned about them then.”

She swallowed. Hard.

Then she shoved the bowl into my chest.

I grinned. “Thank you.”

Her cheeks were a pretty pink color.

After a few bites of popcorn, I offered her it back with a raised brow. She snatched it away.

“We should have a state of the union,” she said at the next commercial break.

“A what?”

She turned, setting the now empty bowl on the floor. “You know, the state of our mutually satisfying physical relationship. Make sure we’re still on the same page now that we’re a couple of weeks in.”

I hummed. “You sure you want to open that can of worms?”

“Why would it be a can of worms? That’s such a gross comparison.”

I held up a hand. “Fine. I don’t really have too many gripes.”

She snorted. “You better not. I did some great work last week.”

When I slowly licked at my bottom lip, her eyes went molten. “You did,” I murmured.

“Stop it,” she whispered. “We can’t constantly have our hands down each other’s pants. One of us will get clingy.”

“I seem to recall thatyouwere the one with your hand downmypants when William walked into the house the other morning.” I tapped her knee. “And that might have been awkward to explain.”

Charlotte exhaled a laugh, unable to argue that one. Apparently, it had been too much for her when I’d commented on something I liked in the back of the house. She’d shoved me up against the wall, attacking my belt buckle and sucking at the side of my neck while she pushed her hand into my boxer briefs for a very pleasant start to the morning.

Or it would have been if William hadn’t shown up to the jobsite about thirty minutes earlier than normal.

The oddest part of this fairly odd nonrelationship I’d found myself in was how we’d settled into a rhythm without actually discussing what would happen next.

Charlotte had sensed that first night that I wasn’t ready to kiss her.

We never talked about it. I imagined it often. Stared at her mouth when she wasn’t looking. Caught her doing the same.

But neither of us tried to cross the line.

Sleeping in our own beds was easy enough because she’d stipulated that in her very efficiently laid-out presentation.

But the biggest nonverbalized issue of all was that we hadn’t actually had sex yet.