Page 84 of The Best Laid Plans

She clicked to the next slide. “If you look at this next part, I’ve outlined all the reasons you may object, so you’re aware that Iamthinking logically about why this might not work. No, I’ve never, ever crossed a physical line with a client before, and I’m only considering it with you because, well ... I find you very attractive, despite your occasionally horrible attitude.”


The next slide after that was a healthy-size list of why I was not a good long-term bet for Charlotte. I narrowed my eyes but didn’t argue.

Burke Barrett: Cons

no people skills

hates old houses and basically everything I love

doesn’t want to live here

has a slight obsession with undoing all my organization

lies about watchingAntiques Roadshow

“I think I get the point,” I managed. “You can move on from that one.”

She blushed. “I’m very aware that you have no desire to stay in Michigan, which is what makes this perfect.” The next slide appeared, and I had the brief thought that maybe I was dreaming this entire thing. “After this job is done, I’ll move on to my next project, which could be anywhere. I’ve got a really good offer in Iowa, and who knows whatelse might pop up? I don’t want ...” She paused. “I’ve never found anyone who’s made me want to get married or have babies or anything like that.”

My jaw clenched. If she followed that up with “Until you,” I wasn’t entirely sure what I’d say. I’d had one woman put those dreams in my care, and I’d done nothing but break every expectation she had of me.

“And I don’t think you’re looking for that either,” she finished.

Our gazes collided, producing something heavy and hot and loaded. I shook my head.

She swallowed. “But despite the way we started, I think we can both acknowledge the tension between us has been”—she licked her lips—“potent.”

I could hardly blink.

I was halfway past grinding my molars to dust as I held my entire frame in check.

And I was harder than I’d ever been in my entire life.

Slowly, I nodded.

She clicked to another slide.

Burke Barrett: Pros

taller than me (tall-girl problems)


penis size is above average (will revise this statement if erect state provides additional information)

big hands

occasionally thoughtful in ways that make me want to rip his clothes off

My skin was on fire.

Charlotte had no idea how close she was to getting bent over the table.

“I don’t normally trust men with a purely physical relationship,” she continued. With each word she spoke, her delivery settled out. Her posture straightened. Her eyes were direct and clear and never even came close to dropping from my face. “But I trust you. And I think we respect each other enough to be honest. That we like each other enough not to cause damage when it’s over.”

If I moved my chair forward a single inch, we’d be touching. Her legs would be right between mine. My hands itched to move, and even though I never would have approached her with an idea like this, I couldn’t deny that it was fucking genius.