Page 156 of The Best Laid Plans

It could.

We’d make it the perfect life for us, anchored in this home that we both loved so much.

I smiled, tracing the bottom edge ofhissmile with my pointer finger. “I took the job on the east side of the state.”

His smile deepened. “Did you?”

I nodded. “They showed me the house and”—I shrugged—“I fell in love.”

Burke laughed. “Let me guess—little couches, ugly lamps, terrible rugs.”

I smacked his chest.

It was the gleam of laughter, the spark of relief in his eyes, that had my gaze locking on his mouth.

“Can I kiss you now?” he asked in a husky voice, coming closer and closer until my heart trembled. “I owe you thousands.” He slid his lips over mine. A touch. A sweet taste. “Millions.”

I pushed up on the balls of my feet, curling my hands behind his neck. His mouth descended over mine with a groan, his arms tight around my back, clutching me to his chest like he’d never, ever let me go.

Forgiveness was sweet when it was asked for and given freely.

He kissed me deeply. He kissed me like he was drowning in all the things we made each other feel.

I couldn’t believe we were there.

I couldn’t believe we’d made it through.

The kiss was everything I’d wanted from him—a bold declaration, a fearless acknowledgment about our future.

And he’d started it off with a PowerPoint. My heart was about to explode in a messy burst of happiness.

I broke away and stared up into his face. “Wait. How did you know when to come into the room?”

Burke grinned. “I counted the whooshes.”

I laughed.

“Felicia told me you’d be very impressed,” he murmured, dropping sweet kisses along my cheekbone and the tip of my nose.

“I was,” I said feelingly. “I wasn’t aware anyone used that after the late ’90s, but you have managed, yet again, to surprise me.”

He grinned. “I didn’t know how to get rid of anything once they added shit to the slides.”

I was laughing again when he kissed me, and the sound morphed into a relieved moan when his tongue slid over mine.

I broke away again. “If we’re living here, does that mean I get my little couches back?”

He kissed me, rubbing his nose along mine before he answered.

“Not a chance.”

Chapter Thirty-Six


Charlotte made herself a little nest in our bed of blankets on the floor of the primary bedroom, and she curled up next to me while she listened to me talk.

With her chin resting on my bare chest and my hand stroking up and down her naked back, we talked until my throat was sore.