"What?" I snapped.

Jasmine glanced up at the red light in the corner near my door, the image displaying her face in full as she twirled her dress. The camera dipped down, highlighting her chest, and that grumble bubbled up in my chest again, though for different reasons this time.

"I was hoping I could talk to you, sir."

So... "sir"... She's going with the deferential approach.

Maybe she's wondering why she hasn't gotten any of my attention since we started this journey. Perhaps she thinks she was too spirited with me earlier?

That spark of rebellion was one of the things that caught my eye about her, though.

I stood there, wrestling with my uncertainty, my fingers drumming against the cold metal of my chambers. What could she possibly want to chat about? The impending wedding? Women tend to go a little crazy over that. Humans are so desperate to leave their planet they sign up for lotteries. What if she's obsessed with all the planning? Honestly, I couldn't care less about any of that stuff. That's what I pay people to handle. Or maybe she's wondering why I haven't made any moves yet, or what that even entails? Or perhaps it's some other typical human concern?

I pressed the button. "About what?"

"I'd like a job on the ship."

Well, that's…surprising.I caught myself grinning. It was the last thing I anticipated her saying.

Jasmine kept her gaze steady on the camera. She licked her lips, and it irked me how I couldn't look away, that purr in my chest growing a little stronger.

"What kind of job do you think you'd be up for? This tech is alien to you. Our soldiers and technicians train for years. What was it you did on Earth again?"

"I was a life coach and physical trainer."

"Uh-huh." I frowned, then remembered she couldn't see it. "I don’t even know what the hell a life coach is."

She shifted from side to side, her smile a shield for the flicker of annoyance in her eyes.

"I have other skills beyond my profession. I'd like to discuss them with you. Do we—" She spun around in the corridor as a technician passed, glancing up from his tablet with a judgmental smirk. "Do we have to do this through the speaker thing? Can I come in and talk to you?"

I rested my head against the metal, letting its coolness numb my frustrated mind.

She's going to be my wife. Conversing came with the territory whether I wanted it to or not. I glanced down at the boxing gloves lying by my feet, lamenting the delay in doing what I really wanted.

"I'm kinda tied up right now."

She laughed, a surprisingly charming sound. "I'm sure you are. Always more planets to conquer, more species to eradicate. Surprising you even had time to knock back all those bottles of wine on Earth without offing anyone."

How dare she? A mere human? Judging me?Heat surged into my temples as the grumble in my chest shifted from potential desire to genuine anger.

I pressed my palm against the door, making it slide aside with a woosh. I filled the doorway, looming over her. She didn't flinch as I towered over her delicate human frame, fists clenched at my sides.

"You have no idea what you're talking about..." I snarled, seething. My fangs grew slightly, responding to my heightened emotions. "You don't know me."

Jasmine jutted her chin forward, still smiling. "Well, let's change that."

I stared at her in shock as she slipped past my anger-tight body and into my office.

Turning to face her, I watched as she settled into a chair, crossing her long, bronze legs. She steepled her dainty fingers under her chin and looked at me, her pert little nose wrinkling with her smile. She nodded towards the chair behind the desk.

"Come on, fiancé. I promise, I'll only bite if you want me to."

My initial shock started to ebb, replaced by curiosity. I moved around and took a seat, gesturing with an open palm for the human to share whatever had brought her here.

Maybe this is what I signed up for when I chose to bid on the girl who showed no rational fear of the infamous warlord Jaro.

I ran my hands through my hair and waited, studying her. She's probably going to push my buttons, too.