Instead of dying, I had found a way to make sure I was really living.

Just me, my husband Braxl, and the entire empire that depended on us.

I knew we were up to the challenge.


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Chapter One


Nestled amidst towering trees, lush ferns, and warm sunlight, it was easy to forget your problems.

Or at least in my case, avoid them for a few hours.

The brief period between the fading of spring and the imminent arrival of summer held a special place in my heart. Neither too hot nor too cool, the temperatures were perfect for wandering outdoors.

This far into the woods, emerald leaves created a dense canopy overhead that swayed in the wind, causing sunbeams to dance along the twig covered trail like tiny fairies. The gentle forest breeze wrapped around me like a soothing blanket, and for a fleeting moment, I felt a sense of peace. Calm.Safety.

As much as I wanted to lean into the sensation and embrace it, I couldn’t. Because the truth was, I hadn’t felt safe in years.

And I wasn’t sure I ever would again.

The only reason I was even out on this trail was because it was one of the least popular in the area. And less popular meant less risk.

A twig snapped behind me and I jumped, spun around, and searched the woods for any sign of danger. I didn’t see anything, but my gut told me something was there.

Conner had run up ahead and was supposed to wait for me at the trails end, so I knew the sound couldn’t have been him.

I dove sideways into the bushes, burying myself in the undergrowth before crouching behind some blackberry bushes.

It wasn’t like I was being paranoid. I had good reason to be on edge—especially if the last half decade was anything to go by.

The scuffling sound got louder. I crept up the hill to my left and crawled closer to the trail, placing every foot with extra care so I didn’t make any noise.

I hunkered behind the thick branches and held my breath. My heart pounded in my ears, and when no one came, I took a chance and looked down at the ground near my feet. I needed to find a rock or a club I could use as a weapon.

I could have drawn the pistol I always carried in the holster behind my back, but I didn’t want to do that—not yet—not unless I absolutely had to. If whoever it was turned out to be a park ranger, I could get in trouble for carrying a gun without a permit.

Instead, I pried a big, sharp rock out of the dirt and hefted it. I could do some damage with this and hopefully slow the assailant down before I found Conner and ran.

The noises quieted and when no one appeared, I thought perhaps I had imagined it or maybe it was just an animal.

I straightened up to get a better look, but I didn’t put the rock down.

The woods sounded quiet and peaceful now.

I stepped out onto the trail and turned away to continue my hike up the mountain. I should have put the rock down, but I couldn’t command my fingers to unwind from its sharp edges. Instinct told me to keep it with me just in case.

I took two steps when I heard a new sound.

Steady, thumping footsteps broke the silence coming up the hill behind me. I spun around a second time and tightened my grip on the rock as a tall, square-shouldered man hiked around the corner.