I surveyed the load of what I had found so far. If my mission succeeded, powerful Karafina blood would be spilled, and those culpable for the suffering of humanity would be obliterated beyond recognition and lost forever to stardust.

Oh, what a day that will be…

I shook away the dreams and kept building bombs inside the little, dimly lit supply closet. I was looking for high sensitivity in small to medium boreholes.I needed to be able to slip what I created under pretty tight clothing as I traversed around the ship, getting everything in place to create maximum hazard.

I grinned as I thumbed the pieces into the perfect slots within separate allotments. This would be just enough for the first few targets.

Still, I needed a bit more trust and a bit morethrustfrom Braxl to get further access to another section of the ship. He found me engaging enough, if not irritating at times, but I needed to up my game.

I needed more access.

What lay on the table before me was only enough to take out three or four shuttles. That wouldn’t be nearly enough.

What I really needed was to get into one of the military armories.

I patted my lips with a blasting cap and surveyed the combinations before wrapping them up in a canvas bag. I grabbed a crowbar, bent under the table, and jarred open the sheeting of the side panel. I shoved the munitions, not entirely live or ready to explode, into the vacant space. I patted the panel closed again, then squinted at it.

“Good enough.”

It was frustrating that I would have to keep playing the charade of the blushing bride to get what I wanted, but it was a useful cover, and Braxl was warming to me. The knife throw at dinner was risky, but at least I had preceded it with some decent boxing. I needed to show Braxl that something within me was intriguing enough to keep around.

Hell, maybe I would end up with an ally here.

Couldn’t wait to blow up his father, though.

I nearly wrenched the second side panel metal sheeting from its anchors at the mere thought of Supreme Entity Kressel Sar.

The blood of far too many humans was on his hands. I couldn’t wait to spill him open.

I jammed the rest of my tools into the paneling and sealed it up. I erased all indications that I had been in the closet from the supplies desk and then ducked under the bench again, looking for a place to jam the crowbar.

“What are you doing?”

My heart leapt into my throat. My fingers tensed on the crowbar.

Who is it? Do I drop the tool? Do I hide it? Do I use it? Is the person all the way into the supplies closet? Will he be alone?

I slowly pulled out from under the bench, keeping the crowbar hidden behind me, but maintaining a good grip on its handle.

The Commander named Vishin stood in the doorway. He had lanced more than one racist remark at me the night before, so I knew he was already not a fan of mine.

Get him all the way inside. Now.

“What are you doing there?” He repeated more forcefully. The sneer on his face showed a remarkable mixture of mistrust and disdain.

The kind of fear that is bred from the ignorance of prejudice. His hand hovered by the plasma blaster that all Commanders had. They were given as part of their ascension ceremonies to command of ships and used a particular type of propellant. I had been hoping to find a way to get my hand on a weapon… That one looked quite nice.

There’s no way that he won’t be suspicious of the bench no matter what now.

“Oh, I’m…” I smiled at him and tapped my fingertips on the bench, shrugging my shoulders seductively. “I’m just hiding something down here.”

Vishin looked startled at my honesty. He stepped further into the supply closet. I turned sideways to give him more access, inviting him inside and keeping myself small, nonthreatening, but actually loading my muscles to spring.

“Hiding? What are you—”

“Do you want to see?”

Vishin looked shiftily toward the outside door, then back at the bench. He licked his lips, unsure and cowardly.