I swallowed the final piece, my heartbeat picking up. I smiled and gently stroked Jaro’s hand as I took the edge of the tablecloth with the other. A waiter leaned in, replacing the strawberries in the dessert glass almost as soon as they disappeared. I kept Jaro’s attention on his hand on my leg, but with the other, I was tucking the edge of the tablecloth into the waiter’s back pocket.

I stood up as the waiter stepped away. “Good luck with the bidding, then, Mr. Tarsar.”

As I walked away in the opposite direction, the tablecloth jerked all the plates, glasses, and dishes into Jaro’s lap. He yelped, jumping up, his face glowing red with fury, the gills under his collar flapping and straining. I stepped back, biting the laugh from my tongue.

You’ll never be deserving of me in your harem, asshole.

But you might be perfect for my mission.



My reluctance to be here couldn't have been more evident.

After my tardy entrance, already half inebriated and exuding a surly air, Madame Luxana graciously offered me a table by the edge. The Lottery President attempted to engage Dahlia, Madame Luxana's Assistant, in conversation with me, but my curt demeanor swiftly deterred her.

I felt no remorse for it.

Those humans, utterly futile. I had no use for them on my vessel, save for their role as targets in our wartime exercises.

With a sigh, I leaned into my wine, rising to replenish my glass, dismissing the hovering waiter. Moving about served as a welcome excuse.

The trio of women on the Auction block possessed a certain allure, especially the one in the scarlet gown. Her chestnut hair cascaded nearly to her waist, and her chiseled features gave her an ethereal quality, akin to a pixie. Full lips seemed almost to pout. She conversed with Jaro, that insufferable rogue who'd made off with my ship and ruthlessly underbid the seller. The sight still irked me.

Downing my refilled glass, I motioned for another pour, glaring at the approaching waiter, signaling my expertise in handling the cart.

At least the Earthlings excelled in winemaking. Grapes found their purpose there.

The other two women were charming in their own right, though a tad more apprehensive than the brunette. Their laughter was tinged with a nervous timbre, eyes darting around as if unsure of the next move. The brunette, however, exuded a sense of purpose, even as she toyed with that strawberry.

Damn it, Father. Forcing me into this marriage.

I had no desire for a wife, particularly a human one.

Yet, as Father asserted, I, Braxl Sar, young warlord of Prexis Prime, must represent our people, even if that now included these humans.

So Father maneuvered us into the exclusive Elite Auction, circumventing the Earthling Lottery rules, granting me the privilege of choice, provided I outbid the other warlords.

I paused mid-pour as I watched Jaro put his hand on the brunette’s thigh.


Though Jaro remained oblivious, the brunette's back grew rigid. I set the bottle and glass down, intrigued and amused. She smiled but discreetly tucked a corner of the tablecloth into the waiter's pocket. It was a subtle maneuver, unnoticed by others.

I stepped forward, anticipating the unfolding drama. The brunette exchanged parting words with Jaro, her gaze locked on him, a smug grin onto her pouty lips.

Just as she anticipated, when the waiter retreated, the tablecloth followed, sending plates and wine cascading onto the irate Jaro. However, the brunette remained unaware that her little act of retribution would condemn the waiter to death for embarrassing Jaro.

I stepped forward quickly as Jaro drew the dagger at his waist. Ceremonial, so it had been allowed at the auction, just like my own.

As he poised to strike, I raised my dagger, positioning my body between Jaro and the waiter. The brunette stood behind, hands raised, eyes wide in astonishment at the unintended consequences of her defiance.

Jaro locked eyes with me, his gills flaring, chest heaving. I regarded him calmly, a slow smile curving my lips.

The ballroom held its breath, suspended in the moment. "What's going on, Jaro?"

"Release me, Braxl! This insolent human must be punished!"