He stood there on the same spot down the hill from me. Those eyes I knew so well drilled into me with such intensity that I couldn’t look at him. I would lose myself all over again if I looked into those eyes.

I propped my arm against a tree, shut my eyes, and inhaled a shaky breath, but I couldn’t stop seeing him in my mind’s eye. He wasn’t the baby-faced teenager I fell in love with. Kingston had grown up.

His jaw and cheekbones had grown stronger and better defined. A five o’clock shadow covered his face and gave him a rugged, lived-in look, but he wore it well. It only made him seem stronger, more secure, and so, so much more magnetic.

Walking away from him wouldn’t break the spell he held on my heart and mind. He always did from the day we first met. Being young didn’t make any difference. That hypnotic power he had only got stronger as the years went on. I couldn’t resist him, no matter how much we both tried.

Even running away from him wouldn’t free me from his unstoppable power over me. I couldn’t run away. He held me there, frozen to the spot.

Without warning, he came up behind me again, but a thousand times faster this time. Before I could even think, his arms snaked around me and he buried his face in the side of my neck.

He bit down hard and then gnawed up to my ear, down to my shoulder, and around to my cheek. His mouth skyrocketed me into the stratosphere of so much desire that I couldn’t take it.

I yelped half in surprise and half in throbbing need for everything he would and could do to me. His arms and hands took possession of me and that yelp turned into a moan of deep, unsatisfied hunger.

His hands burned through my clothes as he groped my breasts, my hips, and finally between my legs. One mighty hand clamped on my quivering pussy and massaged me through my jeans.

His other hand scooped up my neck and he pried my head back. “You’re mine, baby,” he snarled in my ear. “Do you remember? This is all mine.”

He jammed his fingers deep between my legs and I spasmed in his grip as a gush of liquid heat stained my panties. He could always command my deepest desires with that guttural, animal voice of his.

God, what if Conner showed back up right now? How would I even explain this?

“Fuck, I need you, baby,” he growled directly into my brain. “You need me, don’t you?”

He tightened his grip on my pussy and shoved his rock-hard cock into my ass from behind. Feeling him so hard and ready exploded my brain apart and I sobbed in deepest need. I needed him so fucking bad. I needed everything and anything. I needed him to never stop touching me like this.

He crammed his hand down the front of my jeans, and in a heartbeat, his thick fingers penetrated my aching slit. At the same instant, he shoved me against the tree and grabbed the trunk with his other hand.

He crushed me against it undulating his body down my back while he drove his fingers to the hilt. I moaned as the first wave of unstoppable passion hit me and I flexed down to take his fingers all the way in. Was he really going to fuck me right here in the woods?

Just thinking about it drove me over the edge. I needed it right now. I couldn’t stand another minute without him.

“Come on, baby,” he hissed between gritted teeth. “You know you’re all mine. You’ve always been mine. You can’t live without me, can you? You take it like you love it. That’s right, baby. Cum for me.”

His wicked voice ignited my desires into some kind of mania. I needed to take him right now. His thick, pulsating cock against my ass wouldn’t be denied. He really was going to pound me right here against this tree.

I needed him to. I needed him to fuck me so hard I didn’t know which way was up. I needed him to leave me in pieces and change my world back to the way it was before.

He pulled his hand out and took hold of my jeans to unzip them when another voice echoed out of the woods. “Mommy! Where are you?”

Kingston and I both sprang apart at that sound.

Ohmigod,what the hell was I thinking?

“I’m here!” I yelled out. “I’m down here!”

Kingston stared at me as though I’d sprouted three heads. His face contorted, first with confusion, then anger, and then something I couldn’t place.

My five-year-old son Connor came down the hill and around the corner, slowing when he saw Kingston beside me.

Connor’s expressions went through a rapid confused jumble, and I cringed when I saw Kingston’s mannerisms written all over Connor’s face.

He stared at my son in horror and then amazement taking in every detail of Connor’s appearance. Connor had Kingston’s icy-white hair, brilliant green eyes, and square-cut features. Everything about Connor looked exactly like Kingston used to look when he was a boy.

Kingston blinked and then gulped. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from Connor as he realized the truth.

He was looking at his own son.